OK, update time.
I wanted to get rid of the last journal entry that was essentially just me bitching about the guy from work. I'm in a stupidly good mood at the moment, and hopefully leaving it up on here will keep me happy for a few days at least.
* Liverpool was awesome. Was great to catch up with some of the people I'd met back in Leeds and meet some new people aswell. Thanks to everybody who made it so cool
I have a vague memory of playing Singstar for all of about 20 seconds before laughing my head off in embarrassment and giving up. Damn Avril Lavigne
* I still have another 2 days off work before I have to go back in. Other than Liverpool I've not really done much, which is sort of how I wanted it. I was struggling to get used to a normal full-time working week, so after spunking a few hours on here after work I'd find it was time to go to bed. It's been nice not having any responsibilities for the past few days, instead just playing video games and reading through a shitload of comics. Just sitting down and reading the latest Punisher tpb from cover to cover tends to center me and now I can go back to work on Saturday refreshed and relaxed.
* Command and Conquer 3 is out for the 360 on Friday which means if I take a drive into work tomorrow I can buy a copy when it gets delivered. Big fan of the series and I'm loving that i can actually play this new one without upgrading my crappy PC.
* Strung Out are playing here again for the first time in 4 years. It was Huw that dragged me to see them back at the end of '02 and got me listening to their albums and since then I'm liking them more and more. Definitely going to the Manchester date and possibly a couple of the others if I can be arsed. It's 4 dates spread out all over the country and thats a shitload of travelling. A Liverpool date would've been nice.
Like i said, no real worries at the moment and I'm in a damn good mood. Lets see how long it lasts before something trivial pisses me off
I wanted to get rid of the last journal entry that was essentially just me bitching about the guy from work. I'm in a stupidly good mood at the moment, and hopefully leaving it up on here will keep me happy for a few days at least.
* Liverpool was awesome. Was great to catch up with some of the people I'd met back in Leeds and meet some new people aswell. Thanks to everybody who made it so cool

* I still have another 2 days off work before I have to go back in. Other than Liverpool I've not really done much, which is sort of how I wanted it. I was struggling to get used to a normal full-time working week, so after spunking a few hours on here after work I'd find it was time to go to bed. It's been nice not having any responsibilities for the past few days, instead just playing video games and reading through a shitload of comics. Just sitting down and reading the latest Punisher tpb from cover to cover tends to center me and now I can go back to work on Saturday refreshed and relaxed.
* Command and Conquer 3 is out for the 360 on Friday which means if I take a drive into work tomorrow I can buy a copy when it gets delivered. Big fan of the series and I'm loving that i can actually play this new one without upgrading my crappy PC.
* Strung Out are playing here again for the first time in 4 years. It was Huw that dragged me to see them back at the end of '02 and got me listening to their albums and since then I'm liking them more and more. Definitely going to the Manchester date and possibly a couple of the others if I can be arsed. It's 4 dates spread out all over the country and thats a shitload of travelling. A Liverpool date would've been nice.
Like i said, no real worries at the moment and I'm in a damn good mood. Lets see how long it lasts before something trivial pisses me off
What are you scared of? It's just like getting your hand pierced 

If anything the pills provide the perfect security blanket. If I become a bestselling author, get kidnapped by a crazy fan who breaks my legs I can grind them up to drug her, before making a desperate crawl for freedom.