Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. In the end it turned out to be a quiet, yet enjoyable affair. I didnt take any pictures of anything we did, so here's an account of everything that happened after I finished work with relevant pictures stolen from movies and stuff.

Martin_Blank endeavours to win the award for "weirdest thing eaten at the chinese restaurant" by chomping on some squid.

Then it was onto a local band night, where the bands were intolerably shite.

I drank lots but still not enough to drown out my shyness and give me the power to approach suitable women.

The only thing i really remember after the shitty bands is accidently hitting a deer on our way home.

I finished off the night by drunkenly trying to play Guitar Hero, which isnt even something I'm good at while sober so obviously it went well.
In the spirit of Guitar Hero and its ability to make me listen to songs i normally wouldn't, here are the coolest and funniest videos EVER respectively

Martin_Blank endeavours to win the award for "weirdest thing eaten at the chinese restaurant" by chomping on some squid.

Then it was onto a local band night, where the bands were intolerably shite.

I drank lots but still not enough to drown out my shyness and give me the power to approach suitable women.

The only thing i really remember after the shitty bands is accidently hitting a deer on our way home.

I finished off the night by drunkenly trying to play Guitar Hero, which isnt even something I'm good at while sober so obviously it went well.
In the spirit of Guitar Hero and its ability to make me listen to songs i normally wouldn't, here are the coolest and funniest videos EVER respectively
I'll thwart you at every step!