I work with an absolute shower of retards and people who generally make me horrendously angry. I'm consistently astounded that the store manager managed to amass a selection of people so infuriating. Here's a breakdown of the twats I'm forced to work with.
The guy already made famous by this very journal. He's an absolute fucking scumbag, he's hit his girlfriend before now and oddly enough felt the need to tell us. He wont be held responsible for any mistake he might have made, instead he gets stupidly defensive and denies all knowledge that it could ever have occured - despite having been done on his till number. Doesn't seem to know his alphabet, was once caught filing Football Manager 2007 ahead of Gears of War. Also gave a stupid amount of people 5 off PS3 games because there was a sticker on the case. What he hadnt noticed was these games were 5 off when bought at the same time as a console. He got all arsey when I pointed this out and asked "Gavin, why in christ's name would it have a sticker that says 5 off instead of just having lower price on the sticker?"
Is quite clearly gunning for my job and it bugs the shit outta me. He met the area manager long before I did, because while he was at the store doing stuff I was away....doing management training. As such he gets on really fucking well with the area manager and is constantly kissing his arse. Has ideas way above his station and will often try to leave me with his jobs because he prefers doing managerial stuff like paperwork; presumably because it makes him feel special. His ego was inflated by the area manager once asking him "Why didnt you apply for Assistant Manager?" which alledgedly was because of a broken link on the website. I swear to God I'm going to kick him in the fucking chest next time he says "I don't see why you get paid 4000 a year more than me" I like how motivated he is, but trying to undermine me isnt really the way to act. Also he's always putting shit like Creed or Nickelback on the store stereo.
Constantly tells me I'm "sound" because apparently things never get stressful when I'm in charge. She has a real problem with Mark because of his "ideas above his station" problem and is constantly coming to whine at me because she doesnt like having him tell her what to do. Will bug me about letting her go for a cigarette at the most inopportune moments, and whenever I say No because its too busy she'll act like I'm being horrendously unfair. At one time she tried to tell me I was infringing on her human rights because of some shit Gavin had said earlier in the day. Both of them dropped that little crusade when they found out I did employment law, and that I'm not nearly stupid enough to believe cigarette breaks fall under the category of basic human rights. She's also always complaining about any music that isnt Pink or Nelly Furtado, and when you tell her to go change it in the interest of fairness, she acts all hard-done-by even after she's won.
"If you dont like it then go change it"
"No, because you lot are listening to it"

Generally alright to be fair. While he's good at all the shop floor sort of stuff like shrink-wrapping bundles and stock management he's a bit shit with the tills. I'm getting a bit tired of fixing his mistakes every morning because he's sold out a brand new game as pre-owned.
I actually get on with all of them, despite a couple being a bit chavvy and the sort of people I'd never normally associate with. It's just that they drive me up the fucking wall at times and I needed to whine about them somewhere. They've only got 3-month contracts so with any luck the manager might replace one or two of them with competent people.
In other news, 300 is fucking spectacular; despite its ability to make you feel like a pudgey shell of a man. I would've started a fight with someone in the car park if i werent such a fucking pussy. Hope everyone is well.
The guy already made famous by this very journal. He's an absolute fucking scumbag, he's hit his girlfriend before now and oddly enough felt the need to tell us. He wont be held responsible for any mistake he might have made, instead he gets stupidly defensive and denies all knowledge that it could ever have occured - despite having been done on his till number. Doesn't seem to know his alphabet, was once caught filing Football Manager 2007 ahead of Gears of War. Also gave a stupid amount of people 5 off PS3 games because there was a sticker on the case. What he hadnt noticed was these games were 5 off when bought at the same time as a console. He got all arsey when I pointed this out and asked "Gavin, why in christ's name would it have a sticker that says 5 off instead of just having lower price on the sticker?"
Is quite clearly gunning for my job and it bugs the shit outta me. He met the area manager long before I did, because while he was at the store doing stuff I was away....doing management training. As such he gets on really fucking well with the area manager and is constantly kissing his arse. Has ideas way above his station and will often try to leave me with his jobs because he prefers doing managerial stuff like paperwork; presumably because it makes him feel special. His ego was inflated by the area manager once asking him "Why didnt you apply for Assistant Manager?" which alledgedly was because of a broken link on the website. I swear to God I'm going to kick him in the fucking chest next time he says "I don't see why you get paid 4000 a year more than me" I like how motivated he is, but trying to undermine me isnt really the way to act. Also he's always putting shit like Creed or Nickelback on the store stereo.
Constantly tells me I'm "sound" because apparently things never get stressful when I'm in charge. She has a real problem with Mark because of his "ideas above his station" problem and is constantly coming to whine at me because she doesnt like having him tell her what to do. Will bug me about letting her go for a cigarette at the most inopportune moments, and whenever I say No because its too busy she'll act like I'm being horrendously unfair. At one time she tried to tell me I was infringing on her human rights because of some shit Gavin had said earlier in the day. Both of them dropped that little crusade when they found out I did employment law, and that I'm not nearly stupid enough to believe cigarette breaks fall under the category of basic human rights. She's also always complaining about any music that isnt Pink or Nelly Furtado, and when you tell her to go change it in the interest of fairness, she acts all hard-done-by even after she's won.
"If you dont like it then go change it"
"No, because you lot are listening to it"

Generally alright to be fair. While he's good at all the shop floor sort of stuff like shrink-wrapping bundles and stock management he's a bit shit with the tills. I'm getting a bit tired of fixing his mistakes every morning because he's sold out a brand new game as pre-owned.
I actually get on with all of them, despite a couple being a bit chavvy and the sort of people I'd never normally associate with. It's just that they drive me up the fucking wall at times and I needed to whine about them somewhere. They've only got 3-month contracts so with any luck the manager might replace one or two of them with competent people.
In other news, 300 is fucking spectacular; despite its ability to make you feel like a pudgey shell of a man. I would've started a fight with someone in the car park if i werent such a fucking pussy. Hope everyone is well.
The trick to this managing this lot is to set them up so they're fighting each other and not you!
Read Machiavelli's The Prince, it's all in there
I'm looking forward to 300 immensely, and a fight in the car park after..
And Feigenbaum.
I am now cool.