Everybody go say hello to HoopsMcCann
If I'm not here to deliver the usual standard of Futurama or Simpsons quotes he will be a suitable replacement in my stead.
No proper news this time around. Have to go for a haircut tomorrow because of that job interview on Wednesday. I'm dreading it because i fucking hate hairdressers. I know theyre just trying to be social but I get really tired of vacuous questions like "Are you going out this weekend?"
I wouldnt mind but I know my hair will only end up looking shit. (More shit than usual, I mean)
UPDATE - So i got my hair cut. I was extremely distressed by the amount of hair in my shower after i got home and washed it. It looked like Chewbacca had broken into my bathroom. My goal was to make my hair smart enough for a job interview, but keep it long enough to cover my giant ears and forehead.
I'm not sure how i feel about the result
If I'm not here to deliver the usual standard of Futurama or Simpsons quotes he will be a suitable replacement in my stead.
No proper news this time around. Have to go for a haircut tomorrow because of that job interview on Wednesday. I'm dreading it because i fucking hate hairdressers. I know theyre just trying to be social but I get really tired of vacuous questions like "Are you going out this weekend?"
I wouldnt mind but I know my hair will only end up looking shit. (More shit than usual, I mean)
UPDATE - So i got my hair cut. I was extremely distressed by the amount of hair in my shower after i got home and washed it. It looked like Chewbacca had broken into my bathroom. My goal was to make my hair smart enough for a job interview, but keep it long enough to cover my giant ears and forehead.
I'm not sure how i feel about the result
Its kinda annoying that I just did a profile and now I have to fill stuff in again. And who only has ten favourite bands/films/books? Now I have to go all "High Fidelity" and subtly analyse my choices. Good job I have nothing better to do.
i would say get gears of war instead , thats if you like a full on shooter game , but double agent is well worth it aswell its got quite a varied amount of ways to get jobs done , i just like sneaking up on people and braking there backs