This journal is conveniently seperated into the happy news and the bitter rant. You can choose to read just one of them, or if you're a communist you can ignore them altogether.
The Good News
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Firstly there's the fact that Guitar Hero 2 showed up in the post today. Its hard to explain but it somehow seems a lot more responsive than the first one, and I love how the 5th song in a group is the "encore" even though it doesnt actually make a whole lot of difference.
Also in the good news category is that my friends and I have been picked for the Welsh Art Council's "Really Restrictive Shorts" program. Basically you get into a group of 4 people, and get locked in a 2500 a week mansion with 3 other teams from Tues - Sat sometime in early Janurary.
There's the building itself, apparently there's a further 80 acres of land around it in the grounds etc. Anyway, while locked inside this mansion you get provided with cameras and sound equipment and all that other shit in order to make movies that will be shown in a big party on the Saturday night in Llangollen. The twist is that at night, when you're not filming you have to play boardgames against the other teams in order to earn the better equipment. The idea is that you're supposed to adapt to the restrictions of, for example, only having a mobile phone to film with and see what you can make.
The whole mansion will be filled with webcams (aside from the pisser anyway) so people can watch online and see me swearing way more than I should and generally just dicking about with my friends. Apparently there's also a constant live feed in the Llangollen pavilion building. I'm really looking forward to it now, if not just for the idea of living in a mansion and being fed for free.
The bad news, sponsored by Brand New and other people easily annoyed by women
SPOILERS! (Click to view) It's just occured to me that Christmas is getting annoyingly close. What this means for me is that my ex-girlfriend will soon be home from uni and I'll have to work with her again. We weren't even together that long, but stuff happened pretty quickly so it was a tad more serious than it really should've been at the time. When we split up I promised myself I'd be classy about it no matter how annoyed I was at the time. She played the retarded "lets be friends" card and then wound up ignoring my attempts to be civil or classy. She's not replied to any of the friendly messages I've sent to check up on her and I've decided that being polite isnt worth the effort.
I'm not gonna go outta my way to be horrible to her, infact I've decided that I probably wont address anything short of a direct question from her. I'm gonna do my best not to start conversations with her or generally make any effort whatsoever. I can see myself getting pretty annoyed in a pretty short space of time if she pulls any more shit like a few weeks ago. Apparently she saw somebody who looked a lot like me in Aberystwyth. Rather than thinking, like a normal person "That looks a bit like Chris" she instead jumped to conclusions that it must have actually been me - and that I'd made a 3 hour drive to stalk her. More annoying was that she couldnt simply ask me If i was there, instead choosing to ask people from work to find out for her.
Fuck her, I don't need wimmins as long as I have Guitar Hero 2.
Thats about it for this stupidly long journal. Hope everybody has a good weekend