I am officially too bitter for social gatherings. This point was made abundantly clear last night when I went to a band night in a local bar with some friends. 6 days a week this place is populated by stocky morons wearing pink shirts that have deliberately shite stitching, that they paid 70 for down at their nearest cunt shop. Wednesdays are better because there's live bands and the music they play between bands is usually pretty good. "I'm in my element" i thought. "Finally I can go somewhere where I wont hate everyone."
I wound up hating everyone.
I wasnt so much the people in particular, its just that after a while I got tired of this thought running through my head on a loop :
"She's quite hot. Oh wait, she's with that wanker in the Kurt Cobain shirt"
Now, I like Nirvana...but lets get a couple of things clear. They are NOT the best band ever, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is NOT the best song ever and "Nevermind" is NOT the best album ever (its not even as good as In Utero) Generally speaking, anybody who wears one of those t-shirts that has the dates of Cobain's birth and death like some kind of cotton tombstone is automatically a cunt.
I'm clearly too bitter to ever go anywhere again. Instead of wasting my time with such social events I'll simply sit in my room festering, until the day that a microlite crashes in my garden. When i go to inspect it I'll notice a hot girl crawling from the wreckage. She'll show some geek credentials by likening her situation to that of Abin Sur and eventually she'll fall in love with my while I nurse her back to health with cups of tea.
Worst case scenario is this whole bitterness thing gets even worse and I have a nervous breakdown or aneurysm. I dont like the idea of being sectioned and forced to live out my days on the ward being tormented by Huw
EDITED to add : If that fucking foreign kid from next door doesnt stop running around my garden screaming his lungs out I'm gonna throw a fucking breezeblock at him
I wound up hating everyone.
I wasnt so much the people in particular, its just that after a while I got tired of this thought running through my head on a loop :
"She's quite hot. Oh wait, she's with that wanker in the Kurt Cobain shirt"
Now, I like Nirvana...but lets get a couple of things clear. They are NOT the best band ever, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is NOT the best song ever and "Nevermind" is NOT the best album ever (its not even as good as In Utero) Generally speaking, anybody who wears one of those t-shirts that has the dates of Cobain's birth and death like some kind of cotton tombstone is automatically a cunt.
I'm clearly too bitter to ever go anywhere again. Instead of wasting my time with such social events I'll simply sit in my room festering, until the day that a microlite crashes in my garden. When i go to inspect it I'll notice a hot girl crawling from the wreckage. She'll show some geek credentials by likening her situation to that of Abin Sur and eventually she'll fall in love with my while I nurse her back to health with cups of tea.
Worst case scenario is this whole bitterness thing gets even worse and I have a nervous breakdown or aneurysm. I dont like the idea of being sectioned and forced to live out my days on the ward being tormented by Huw

EDITED to add : If that fucking foreign kid from next door doesnt stop running around my garden screaming his lungs out I'm gonna throw a fucking breezeblock at him

I hate social scenarios like when its somebodys birthday and they want to go somewhere specific like the local chav infested night club , there's me in the corner wearing a zoo york tshirt looking so out of place it hurts.