Thankfully now, the horrible burns seem to be healing pretty quickly. Its still annoying that for the past 2 days I've been getting stared at by people as if I have some kind of fucking birth defect though.
I've also learned recently that I feel much better, and a hell of a lot happier if I get out of bed really early in the morning. Usually i'll stay up late and crawl outta bed at about midday and have to go to work pretty much straight away. If I get up earlier though...hang around a little, maybe watch a couple of episodes of Buffy and have a proper fucking lunch I wind up feeling oddly content.
The problem of course is that I always have trouble getting out of bed. While now, at 2pm I'm regretting my late rise today I know that I tried, but in my bed-ridden state just figured "Just 10 more minutes" right up until i'd chalked up an extra 2 hours of sleep.
Now i have to go to work, and yet another day is wasted. I just wanna sit on the crapper and read Essential X-Men, dammit!
I've also learned recently that I feel much better, and a hell of a lot happier if I get out of bed really early in the morning. Usually i'll stay up late and crawl outta bed at about midday and have to go to work pretty much straight away. If I get up earlier though...hang around a little, maybe watch a couple of episodes of Buffy and have a proper fucking lunch I wind up feeling oddly content.
The problem of course is that I always have trouble getting out of bed. While now, at 2pm I'm regretting my late rise today I know that I tried, but in my bed-ridden state just figured "Just 10 more minutes" right up until i'd chalked up an extra 2 hours of sleep.
Now i have to go to work, and yet another day is wasted. I just wanna sit on the crapper and read Essential X-Men, dammit!
Is true, too much sleep knackers you right up. I always try to have a lay in on my days off and end up getting up really early, so I don't feel like I've wasted the day. Which I usually do waste through a combination of DVDs, gaming and internet. Yay!
Oooo...A nailbomb. That sounds suitably horrific!