and now for a relaxing alcoholic brunch with the lovely ravioli.

i had a great time and i like getting free drinks
sorry i ran off so quickly
but i kinda felt like shit and wanted to be alone
your sister is an asshole, which im sure you already know

i cant even
how come 90% of the awesome people i meet live so far away?
oh because 45 mins is so far away, typical fucking new englander tongue

#is considering herself to be in the top % of this 90%
what an amazing trip. the bits i remember were fantastic and the chunks i don't remember, judging from the photographic evidence was, were ridiculous. if the movie the hangover took place in dc then it'd probably of gone a lot like my past few days. far too much money spent, hangovers that could kill someone, mystery injuries, and lots of very odd people. i love...
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Looks like a great time, killer shades wink
aww you were in dc ...looks like you had fun
you look handsome! Looks like a lot of fun.
Hah hah. I love the photo of the girl laughing with the child face-down on the ice behind her. tongue
all i want is someone who will sit around smoking weed and watching movies with me one night, then go out to a dank dingy bar and drink with me the next, and then wake up early the next day to go on an adventure to nowhere. is that really so much to ask?
at first i was like

but then i was like

im glad you get my humor without subtitles too <3
things i do not miss from childhood:
being forced to go to church.
always feeling guilty about everything due to church.
my extremely awkward body shape (trust me, i had the best boobs in grade school.)
the time i ripped my pants jumping a hurdle in gym.
getting caught checking out my 5th grade teacher.
being so awkward. (i still am but for some reason...
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Aw, I can relate.
It's crazy, but I sometimes find myself beating myself up over tiny missteps and follies from my grade school years. You'd think I'd have forgotten little embarrassments from 10-15 years ago, or at least not still feel bad about them!
things i miss from childhood:
lollipops at the bank.
snow days.
the first week of summer vacation.
the first day back to school after summer vacation.
sitting on my porch with my dad watching thunderstorms.
the wonder and mystery of just about everything.
playing tag with my cousins.
having contests with my brother to see who could jump the farthest into an inner tube in...
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Choose you own ending books...yessss!! smile