i am motherfucking happy, and it's awesome. a combination of things falling into place and me going out and making things happen for myself have led me to a pretty cool place in life. so this of course calls for commemoration by tattoo. so now i have to pick what to get. i have a mental list of a good dozen things i want at some point. the thing is to think of something that applies to this very moment. luckily after twenty+ times of getting tattooed i can say i have already ruined my body with stupid images and don't feel the need to have such super deep meaning behind every tattoo. by now, the fact that it's an image that makes me smile at that point in my life is enough for me. at the moment i am toying with getting a "don't panic" tattoo. problem is i'd like to do this on my lower arm and as of now i am trying to stick with totally coverable places as their is still the chance i get a job that tattoos are not looked upon so well..... and that brings up a whole bunch of things i could bitch about but i'm in a good mood. so not today.
ain't it great when things just align up as they should? and i hear you on getting tattoos that just make you smile...my last big one was that way. got it just because i loved it! no meaning needed!