It has come to my attention, more and more lately, that I am by far the smartest person in my family. I don't mean this in a negative way towards my family, I fucking love them to death, but I just wonder how this happens. I don't think of myself as extremely smart, I have horrible grammar and my spelling isn't the best. I never applied myself a lot in school although I did manage mostly A's with a few B's. I graduated college with a 3.4 and regularly score 136 on IQ tests. According to the IQ tests I'm
135-144 - Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals)
, but IQ test test random shit that is really of no use.
My family on the other hand is amazing at what they do, they have awesome grasps on their chosen paths and are all the best at what they do where they do it. But in other areas, well that's another story. To read a letter my dad writes is torturous, it's punched out in all capitals with half sentences. Their is no fluidity to it, and you often have to read and reread. He is however the head electrician at a prison and has the most amazing grasp on electricity and it's working, while I on the other hand have absolutely no understanding of it beyond "I flip this switch and this light turns on." He often fixes major issues at the prison by simply telling someone a small set of instructions over the phone, after three or four other guys spent hours to no avail. My mom has made her living being the most amazingly kind person you could come across. She had been a teachers aid in a preschool since I was little and just this year became the head librarian at a primary school. When I asked her if she knew the dewey decimal system she said "the what?'. Both of them have no understandings of computers, their computer is totally rebooted daily as that's how my dad believes you fix every single problem. My brother, well I'm not sure about him. He goes to the Culinary Institute of America and is in the top of his class there when it comes to cooking. Other subjects he seems to not be so great at but it could be he just doesn't apply himself. But holy shit does he have an amazing understanding of cooking. My sisters Len reads a book a day, but gets C's across the board in school. She just has no direction. On the other hand she has amazing talent in music. Josie is probably about average in school but is an all star in every sport she plays and often gets invited to play on these teams that you would normally be paying $1,000 a season for, she however often gets the price waived. My Grampa is another person who has made a great impact on a great many people by his extreme kindness but to hear him pronounce most words can be fun. I love these people, I'm not trying to pick out their flaws. These are the reasons I love them, what make them them. I would do anything in the world for any family member.
I'm just trying to illustrate a point, which is "what the fuck?" All these members of my family have some amazing talent or extraordinary grasp of some certain skill. A skill they then use to land a job they love. I do have a job I love, but have no extraordinary talent. I'm school smart, I have a highish IQ, but where does that apply in life? I guess what I'm getting at is if you're good at something, use that, exploit it, if you love it then make a living out of it. You'll be so much happier for it. I'm sure I have a skill somewhere, I just need to find it. These are the things I think about, I know it's out of nowhere but for some reason when I get it on paper I can finally stop thinking about it.
I guess what I'm getting at is if you're good at something, use that, exploit it, if you love it then make a living out of it.
This is my life's problem.