i'm simply writing this to add too or better yet fix my last entry. life is going pretty well for me. yeah it sucks being so alone, it would be nice to be dating or to at least have a few friends, but it'll all work out in time. i have been making a new friend on here to that's awesome and i have recently been talking to an old friend (ok well we had an extremely short and tumulus relationship that started based solely on our love of the study of serial killers and other bizarre crimes and should probably have never advanced as far or at least as quickly as it did) anyways it's nice to have someone to talk to again about an obsession no one else gets.
so i'm working two jobs right now. neither one is ideal. but then again neither one is bad. i work at target at 4 a.m. unloading trucks and stocking shelves. it's not bad, it goes by fast and i work with some fun, but umm odd, people. and of course as always i'm working at the liquor store. i've come to terms with the fact that right now the jobs i really want just are not available due to the economy. at least it's not my fault and when things get back on track i have some pretty marketable skills and experiences.
for some reason being out of school and having more free time (being an ra took all my time) has gotten me hardcore into comics. during high school i was into horror comics but never into superheroes, which is currently my love. maybe it's just a need for escapism but i think it's also an extension of my love for mythology. america, well america as in all those who came and raped the country, doesn't have it's own mythology so maybe comics are our way of making one. also the stories, while maybe marketed towards children have a lot more to them kids just don't see.
my love of music, while always present, is definitely also helping me a lot lately. but i think that's something true for everyone so explanation of that isn't really necessary. i will never be able to explain my wide and varied love of many genres. although my favorite will forever be say anything, a band many can't seem to understand my love for... they are very different then most of everything else i like and maybe somewhat commercial but the lyrics just make a lot of sense to me and i'm past giving a shit about what anyone else thinks. hell right now i'm listening to jay-z's blueprint 3. jay-z is simply the shit as of late, as he's gotten older his music has gotten much more honest, it's not made to the formula's a lot of rap or hip-hop is today.... a lot of people say at 39 he's too old to be doing this music, but i think that's why i have so much respect for him, he's learned and his lyrics actually mean something. o well. i have no idea why i felt the need to write that. just bored waiting for work i guess.
so i'm working two jobs right now. neither one is ideal. but then again neither one is bad. i work at target at 4 a.m. unloading trucks and stocking shelves. it's not bad, it goes by fast and i work with some fun, but umm odd, people. and of course as always i'm working at the liquor store. i've come to terms with the fact that right now the jobs i really want just are not available due to the economy. at least it's not my fault and when things get back on track i have some pretty marketable skills and experiences.
for some reason being out of school and having more free time (being an ra took all my time) has gotten me hardcore into comics. during high school i was into horror comics but never into superheroes, which is currently my love. maybe it's just a need for escapism but i think it's also an extension of my love for mythology. america, well america as in all those who came and raped the country, doesn't have it's own mythology so maybe comics are our way of making one. also the stories, while maybe marketed towards children have a lot more to them kids just don't see.
my love of music, while always present, is definitely also helping me a lot lately. but i think that's something true for everyone so explanation of that isn't really necessary. i will never be able to explain my wide and varied love of many genres. although my favorite will forever be say anything, a band many can't seem to understand my love for... they are very different then most of everything else i like and maybe somewhat commercial but the lyrics just make a lot of sense to me and i'm past giving a shit about what anyone else thinks. hell right now i'm listening to jay-z's blueprint 3. jay-z is simply the shit as of late, as he's gotten older his music has gotten much more honest, it's not made to the formula's a lot of rap or hip-hop is today.... a lot of people say at 39 he's too old to be doing this music, but i think that's why i have so much respect for him, he's learned and his lyrics actually mean something. o well. i have no idea why i felt the need to write that. just bored waiting for work i guess.
i totes thought of you when i saw this