so the other night, after spending the whole day in my room miserable and essentially immobilized by my anxiety i decided i needed to get the fuck out of the house. i called up the two friends i still have around here, who both cried poverty and fuck them for that at least they have jobs, and managed to convince them to hang out. the deal was we would hang out on nicks porch but i was to bring the booze, so i went and spent what little money i had left on beer and we sat around all night contemplating life. it was actually quite nice. and here's what i don't get. it seems to me there are majority of people around the globe are, like me, very lonely. how can we all be so lonely? why can't we all meet each other? what the fuck? ah well. it sucks, it seems like it should be such an easy thing to solve, but for some reason it just doesn't work.
hmm.. i feel this same from couple of weeks. But i still didn't find an answer. I bought a dog