life has been ridiculous lately. i finally gathered the balls to say "fuck it" throw it all to the wind and see where everything lands. so far it has been a mix of good and bad but the good is outweighing the bad. living in allston (a village of boston) is amazing. i love it here. with an average age of 29 and a super...
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life is good.
Happy birthday! 

Happy Birthday! glad to hear things are looking up and you are happy. best present ever, huh?
If you are going to leave...that is a good reason to do it.....
my seeming endless need to feel on insanity and stress never ends.
I wanted to be there with you all, too!!!!!
YAy! Very happy for you. 

work has blown lately. basically i am calling the cops everyday and they're being dicks to us. we have kids running away, beating the shit out of each other, and throwing chairs through windows daily. no one wants to help us. i need to find a new job.
however, other then that, life has been quite amazing. my apartment should be ready very soon. i...
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however, other then that, life has been quite amazing. my apartment should be ready very soon. i...
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life is odd.
youre damm right
My life has not really been odd or even...I think it is best called irrational or imaginary...
i already know this isn't going to make much sense. it's gonna be a lot of rambling and half made points. so either bear with me or just don't read on.
tonight i had dinner and drinks with my friend jess. tall jess is how i think of her in my mind but i never call her that. i met jess freshmen year of college....
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tonight i had dinner and drinks with my friend jess. tall jess is how i think of her in my mind but i never call her that. i met jess freshmen year of college....
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Hello Handsome. 

I feel like MA is full of short folks. It's like there's something in the water. I bet you wouldn't have to go as far as the Netherlands to feel more average.