I worked 8 hours tonight, and made $300. For my job, that sounds like a little amount for such a long amount of time, but really, I made out like a bandit, with money to spare for myself. It looks like I am winning the bet, which means in one week, I get a brand new EXTREMELY comfortable, and sexy bed from Ikea. It's the sex. I can't wait. ♥
Other than that, not much news. My moods are getting increasingly light, as well as my humour, which pleases me. I guess sometimes you reach a point in your life, where getting angry all the time, being short tempered, and taking everything personal gets to be more trouble than it's worth. I don't need to prove a point. Instead I'll kill them, and myself with kindness.
You know what the downer is at work? Not some shit bag trying to touch me (which sucks, yes)...but watching incrediblly beautiful and intelligent women throw their lives away in there, by doing drugs. It makes me so sad. Every week, one girl, did too much, and makes a huge scene. Crying, hitting people and falling on her ass. I want to help, but the thing is (at least what I've learned), is they can only help themselves. I am so glad I will never fall into that bullshit. EVER.
On that note...I'm going to the Grill to get some steak and eggs, and then I'm passing out, because I have a fashion show at noon!
P/s. Is Katie really leaving? And why...?
Other than that, not much news. My moods are getting increasingly light, as well as my humour, which pleases me. I guess sometimes you reach a point in your life, where getting angry all the time, being short tempered, and taking everything personal gets to be more trouble than it's worth. I don't need to prove a point. Instead I'll kill them, and myself with kindness.
You know what the downer is at work? Not some shit bag trying to touch me (which sucks, yes)...but watching incrediblly beautiful and intelligent women throw their lives away in there, by doing drugs. It makes me so sad. Every week, one girl, did too much, and makes a huge scene. Crying, hitting people and falling on her ass. I want to help, but the thing is (at least what I've learned), is they can only help themselves. I am so glad I will never fall into that bullshit. EVER.
On that note...I'm going to the Grill to get some steak and eggs, and then I'm passing out, because I have a fashion show at noon!

P/s. Is Katie really leaving? And why...?


have fun at the fashion show doll !!!

no need for a sorry....I thought it was funny.