Made enough last night to pay for my car to be picked up today, from the mechanic, thank god.
Looks like Chris and I and possibly some others, might be hittin' up Hot Pink this weekend. It's been such a long time, I'm excited.
But the last five times I said I would be going to Hot Pink, I wasn't able to make we'll see if it actually sticks this time.
Anyways... things are well. I got my GED. I've applied for a one year free scholarship to Pima Community College. I have to go to my old high school and get the Col. to write me a recommendation by today, or tomorrow, because the deadline is tomorrow. I really hope I get him to do it, because I am fully qualified for the scholarship.
My life has consisted of a lot of sleep lately. I've avoided going to the Safehouse on a regular basis. Usually it's either only the weekends, the pool tourney, and sometimes during the day to hang out with Robby and Veronica.
Grant comes home on Monday. But leaves again for Erie, PA to see his parents. And then to Colombus, OH to see Nathan. and then he might be going to Flordia to meet some guys in this squadron he wants to transfer to within the coming year.
Life has gotten better. I think this is partially due to the fact that I've tried not to sweat the bad things that have happened along the way. Like when the car broke, I took it extremley well. I didn't cry. I just accepted it, and moved on. Or the fight with an old friend. I apologized, and didn't let myself feel guilty. or the aaron situation. Didn't get mad, just found a cuter boy to date.
I am making an appointment with this therapist that charges 150 per session. He has a PHD and my friend says he's really easy to open up to because he actually listens. She goes twice a week. I think for now, I'll go once a week or every two weeks. I'd like to help rid a lot of the anger I've been feeling.
I'm in a very transitional phase of my life. Things are coming together, partially due to luck, and partially due to effort. It feels rewarding. For real.
I can't wait until my graduation. A lot of people I wouldn't expect to go want to go. This makes me happy that everyone else would treat it like such a big deal, because it feels like a huge thing to me. Besides, I couldn't have done it without the people who are attending.
I can't wait to get my new car. I think i've decided to get an 05 honda accord, coupe. Silver, with tinted windows, black leather seats, manual transmission 6-speed, 6 disc in-dash CD player, alarm, and navigation system. I also want to find a really good orthodontist to help me estimate what it will cost to get my teeth fixed. And then I'll tell my dad, and in the next 2-3 months, I'll have a pretty smile, a new car, and college all taken care of. And my mom will have a house, so I won't have to pay rent while I'm in school. Or I was thinking I could get a nice place, and prepay my rent for a year, and not have to worry. And with buying the car outright, I won't have to worry about payments. or insurance, which my dad will prepay for a year on my car.
It's nice to get breaks in life, let me tell you. I've never gotten many, and it's about damn time!
I feel extremley blessed.
P/s The Good Life @ Solar Culture tonight.
Looks like Chris and I and possibly some others, might be hittin' up Hot Pink this weekend. It's been such a long time, I'm excited.

Anyways... things are well. I got my GED. I've applied for a one year free scholarship to Pima Community College. I have to go to my old high school and get the Col. to write me a recommendation by today, or tomorrow, because the deadline is tomorrow. I really hope I get him to do it, because I am fully qualified for the scholarship.
My life has consisted of a lot of sleep lately. I've avoided going to the Safehouse on a regular basis. Usually it's either only the weekends, the pool tourney, and sometimes during the day to hang out with Robby and Veronica.
Grant comes home on Monday. But leaves again for Erie, PA to see his parents. And then to Colombus, OH to see Nathan. and then he might be going to Flordia to meet some guys in this squadron he wants to transfer to within the coming year.
Life has gotten better. I think this is partially due to the fact that I've tried not to sweat the bad things that have happened along the way. Like when the car broke, I took it extremley well. I didn't cry. I just accepted it, and moved on. Or the fight with an old friend. I apologized, and didn't let myself feel guilty. or the aaron situation. Didn't get mad, just found a cuter boy to date.

I am making an appointment with this therapist that charges 150 per session. He has a PHD and my friend says he's really easy to open up to because he actually listens. She goes twice a week. I think for now, I'll go once a week or every two weeks. I'd like to help rid a lot of the anger I've been feeling.
I'm in a very transitional phase of my life. Things are coming together, partially due to luck, and partially due to effort. It feels rewarding. For real.
I can't wait until my graduation. A lot of people I wouldn't expect to go want to go. This makes me happy that everyone else would treat it like such a big deal, because it feels like a huge thing to me. Besides, I couldn't have done it without the people who are attending.
I can't wait to get my new car. I think i've decided to get an 05 honda accord, coupe. Silver, with tinted windows, black leather seats, manual transmission 6-speed, 6 disc in-dash CD player, alarm, and navigation system. I also want to find a really good orthodontist to help me estimate what it will cost to get my teeth fixed. And then I'll tell my dad, and in the next 2-3 months, I'll have a pretty smile, a new car, and college all taken care of. And my mom will have a house, so I won't have to pay rent while I'm in school. Or I was thinking I could get a nice place, and prepay my rent for a year, and not have to worry. And with buying the car outright, I won't have to worry about payments. or insurance, which my dad will prepay for a year on my car.
It's nice to get breaks in life, let me tell you. I've never gotten many, and it's about damn time!
I feel extremley blessed.
P/s The Good Life @ Solar Culture tonight.

I've been off of this for a few days..
I am SOOOOOOO happy to see smiles
all over your posts these past few times!!
Congrats by the by on all the accomplishments!
Oh, and I do hope to see you tonight at the ole' Hot Stink
It will be a lil' later for me tho..
I gotta do the Swiss miss bday hey hey at the Merc.
You are welcome to join up, I'm sure.
I think I'm going to try to see a therapist, so if you like this one, couldja let me know?