I should blog more, but I don't. It's not because I don't like you. Really. I'm just busy... No, there's no one else, I swear. I just have to work so I can afford to buy gas for my car so that I can go to work. That makes sense right? There are some days where the only time I am awake (aside from two hours which I use for lunch/drive time) is during the hours that I am at work and yes, I know what you're going to say, I do have internet at work, but you can't expect me to get on a smutty website (no matter how tasefully smutty it is) while I'm defending the free world. Oh sure, I have NetFlix and I do watch movies that show the occasional naked boobie, but movies are art! Now I've put my foot in my mouth because that last comment sounded like I was saying that you are not art. But you are, you totally are... it's just that in my line of work, the people are old and they wouldn't understand you and I don't want to have to defend you to them. It's not like I'm trying to hide you, but it's not the most pleasant thing in the world to explain to old crotchety people why I love to gawk at pictures of naked women with tattoos. It's sad, I know, because maybe under the suits, the people I am hiding you from are covered in tattoos, but I doubt it; so for now-- you're my little secret (I'll just pretend like I'm not sharing you with thousands of other members, you dirty little slut).
Ya thinK ?
well, I just don't know.
I'm not reeally one of the cool kids.
I just play one on tv.