Adulthood is a trip man.
Why do I say this?
Because I got my latest statement from my credit union and it is like they deleted one month of activity. It is just literally not on the latest statement. It goes from 1/01 to 2/15 and acts like January didnt exist.
Now, I turned 34 in January, but I dont want to act like it doesnt exist, especially when it comes to my money dangnabbit. I am kind of fond of my money, and I definitely want the work I put in to make it, to be shown for. So I will venture down to the credit union before work tomorrow, I will keep my calm, I will show them their very odd math, and then I will walk away with all problems taken care of. For all I know, the problem will have been addressed before I go there, but I dont want to take a chance that it hasnt been, of course.
So what else about adulthood is a trip?
Bills, man do they suckam I right?
Of course bills suck, but part of me does get a sense of pride out of being able to pay them. I like being responsible it turns out, who knew? I dont like sending checks off for decent sized sums of money, money that could be used for fun things, but I like knowing that I have responsibilities and I take care of them. There is something about having a job, whether you like it or not, that puts you in a position where you can pay your bills and still have fun.
Having money for fun things.
Now this isnt just a thing of adulthood, but the size of the fun and the ability to pay for it is. Take for example last year. Last year I took a trip to Vancouver, this required me to apply and pay for a passport, then I had to book a flight, and then I had to have money to live on while up there, and get a tattoo as well. This is something I couldnt have done ten years ago. Now I can plan for things like this, and I can figure out what needs to be done and how I can go about doing it. This is something I like about being an adult.
Making decisions simply because we can.
Want to eat ice cream for supper? Go right ahead.
Want to sleep half the day away and then lie in bed and watch TV the rest of it? By all means.
Want to stay up all night simply because you have nothing to do the next day? I think thats a fine idea.
These are the random types of decisions that we can make now. These are the things that we were told not to do when we were children, but now we can go right ahead. Sometimes we get reminded why they arent the best decisions, but at those times we get to deal with the consequences, because we are adults.
Adulthood can be a pain in the ass, but it can also be kind of cool. One of my favorite things about being an adult is that I can afford to buy things from my childhood that I didnt have back then, or that I wish I still did.
Yes, one of my favorite things about adulthood is that part of me will never have to grow up if I dont want it to.
Adulthood, aint it a trip?
Why do I say this?
Because I got my latest statement from my credit union and it is like they deleted one month of activity. It is just literally not on the latest statement. It goes from 1/01 to 2/15 and acts like January didnt exist.
Now, I turned 34 in January, but I dont want to act like it doesnt exist, especially when it comes to my money dangnabbit. I am kind of fond of my money, and I definitely want the work I put in to make it, to be shown for. So I will venture down to the credit union before work tomorrow, I will keep my calm, I will show them their very odd math, and then I will walk away with all problems taken care of. For all I know, the problem will have been addressed before I go there, but I dont want to take a chance that it hasnt been, of course.
So what else about adulthood is a trip?
Bills, man do they suckam I right?
Of course bills suck, but part of me does get a sense of pride out of being able to pay them. I like being responsible it turns out, who knew? I dont like sending checks off for decent sized sums of money, money that could be used for fun things, but I like knowing that I have responsibilities and I take care of them. There is something about having a job, whether you like it or not, that puts you in a position where you can pay your bills and still have fun.
Having money for fun things.
Now this isnt just a thing of adulthood, but the size of the fun and the ability to pay for it is. Take for example last year. Last year I took a trip to Vancouver, this required me to apply and pay for a passport, then I had to book a flight, and then I had to have money to live on while up there, and get a tattoo as well. This is something I couldnt have done ten years ago. Now I can plan for things like this, and I can figure out what needs to be done and how I can go about doing it. This is something I like about being an adult.
Making decisions simply because we can.
Want to eat ice cream for supper? Go right ahead.
Want to sleep half the day away and then lie in bed and watch TV the rest of it? By all means.
Want to stay up all night simply because you have nothing to do the next day? I think thats a fine idea.
These are the random types of decisions that we can make now. These are the things that we were told not to do when we were children, but now we can go right ahead. Sometimes we get reminded why they arent the best decisions, but at those times we get to deal with the consequences, because we are adults.
Adulthood can be a pain in the ass, but it can also be kind of cool. One of my favorite things about being an adult is that I can afford to buy things from my childhood that I didnt have back then, or that I wish I still did.
Yes, one of my favorite things about adulthood is that part of me will never have to grow up if I dont want it to.
Adulthood, aint it a trip?
Adulthood is bizarre in both its benefits and liabilities. I do sometimes wish I didn't know better than I did when I was younger, but ONLY if I can make the fun mistakes. Just say no to the really sucky ones.