I left the Tranny roadshow with many a smile. Trannies It was a gay 'ol time. I met some really interesting people, they were a lot of fun. Brynna, who I met on myspace and invited, showed up, so meeting her was nice. The Trannies were cool, and I met this girl, I don't remember her name, who was really fun, but she sure could talk your ear off, but at least silence was nowhere to be found.. I left feeling so gay. So, on my bike ride home, I looked up and noticed how clear the sky was and how beautiful life is, so I pulled off into the garden off of Centre and stared at the stars for about a half an hour while listening to Frances the mute, and neutral milk hotel. This whole alone time/me time is really an awesome thing. I love spending time with myself outdoors, it so liberating. Welcome to my life.
Sometimes time alone can be the best thing to sooth any concerns or problems in your life. I think many of us are taught to fear/ avoid alone time and I know I really embrace it when I have some. I think it takes having children for many people to learn to enjoy being alone.