Okay, So I'm officially smitten with this girl I met on myspace, that's in my human sexuality class. Yea! for me. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone here in CO. I'm meeting her tomorrow @ a local show. The band is Matson Jones, and one of the cellists is a coworker of mine. And this isn't lust my friends, because there's no need for lust when one is celibate+. PLans have changed for spring break, we're going to SLC, then up to Portland, then Seattle, then Vancouver. Oh Yeah. I hate when folks are so religious that they disregard everyone else's opinions, if it contradicts their faith. Open Minds make for healthy living. Without religion life would be utopian. Oh, I've begun a new campaign, every wednesday, I must complement people I know. Everyone should do this. Miles Davis makes miles seem like feet, invest in an ipod, and drive less. I'm done, I'm in a good mood. Bye now.
