I was walking through Chorlton on Tuesday, and saw this...
Now that's a mean looking ride an' all... not sure it was worth the bike lock myself, but a man's got to look after his transportation I suppose.
On a somewhat related note, the bus I got on afterwards had those fold down seats near the front, and I saw a small child trap their face in one whilst trying to climb up... I laughed, his parents didn't look impressed, must remember to not openly mock the misfortune of children (even though the kid had the comic timing of a midget Harold Lloyd) - I felt bad afterwards.
Ummmm, that's about it! I got a beta code for MAG on the PS3 (which is a sentence that I'm sure means fuck-all to a lot of people, but it got me all excited), and I seem to be turning into some sort of a trophy whore - I'm sure at the expense of' y'know a real life.
Slowly coming to terms with being less married than I was in the recent past, and since I don't seem to have a choice on this, I guess that's a good thing. My heart feels like it weighs a tonne, and it's dragging me down, must start to cut myself free or I'll end up going nowehere...

Now that's a mean looking ride an' all... not sure it was worth the bike lock myself, but a man's got to look after his transportation I suppose.
On a somewhat related note, the bus I got on afterwards had those fold down seats near the front, and I saw a small child trap their face in one whilst trying to climb up... I laughed, his parents didn't look impressed, must remember to not openly mock the misfortune of children (even though the kid had the comic timing of a midget Harold Lloyd) - I felt bad afterwards.
Ummmm, that's about it! I got a beta code for MAG on the PS3 (which is a sentence that I'm sure means fuck-all to a lot of people, but it got me all excited), and I seem to be turning into some sort of a trophy whore - I'm sure at the expense of' y'know a real life.
Slowly coming to terms with being less married than I was in the recent past, and since I don't seem to have a choice on this, I guess that's a good thing. My heart feels like it weighs a tonne, and it's dragging me down, must start to cut myself free or I'll end up going nowehere...
Mocking is what the misfortune of others is for
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