I'm really bad at this updating stuff. I keep puting it off, and puting it off...
So heres some random thoughts.
Ephel Duath kicks ass. I bought thier album Painters Palette on a whim and its awesome, insane, and some other really nifty adjective that i can't think of right now. Its like Mr. Bungle Meets death metal on an 8 day crack binge, and...
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So heres some random thoughts.
Ephel Duath kicks ass. I bought thier album Painters Palette on a whim and its awesome, insane, and some other really nifty adjective that i can't think of right now. Its like Mr. Bungle Meets death metal on an 8 day crack binge, and...
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This has been a verrry interesting week. First things were slowing down at work so I kept getting stuck with the shit work they give when theres nothing else to do. Fun!
My car was giving me trouble all week. It didn't want to start, and thats not good when your stuck at a gas station and have to be at work in about a...
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My car was giving me trouble all week. It didn't want to start, and thats not good when your stuck at a gas station and have to be at work in about a...
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i love m s i
you should get a hold of members punknitemike...he books shows so does kevykev whom you know.
then get a hold of member slutbox and do some shows together. if the sounds don't clash....or if they do so what.
do you have a website for the WISAM!
you should get a hold of members punknitemike...he books shows so does kevykev whom you know.
then get a hold of member slutbox and do some shows together. if the sounds don't clash....or if they do so what.
do you have a website for the WISAM!
okay so here's the deal joey is coming in from ireland to my house this wednesday... i want to have a little get together for him on friday night... i know it is last minute but he needs to meet some SG people... there are only 2 ireland members him being one of them and i think he needs to have some fun while he is here... if you are interested in getting together and doing something with us let me know l... if you have any suggestions as to what you want to do let me know that too... i had a blast when we went bowling and it was great that under 21 could attend... let me know... hope to see you on friday...
Its been too long since i've updated, and it feels like i really have nothing to say.
Hmm. Work is going well, as well as can be expected, catching metal all day. It does give me quite a few interesting cuts, i'll say that. I'm starting to look like a cutter with real bad aim.
The last couple of weeks have shown me that i...
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Hmm. Work is going well, as well as can be expected, catching metal all day. It does give me quite a few interesting cuts, i'll say that. I'm starting to look like a cutter with real bad aim.
The last couple of weeks have shown me that i...
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i hate starting shit and never finishing it i do that all the time... like i have 3 paintings i started 4 years ago... i'll never finish them...
So. One week at the new job. Not too bad.
One of the bands I'm in recently lost its drummer, and now we're apparently thinking about getting rid of our second guitarist. Things aren't going well, and unbeknownst to my co-founder, I too have been considering quiting. I just don't really get into it anymore. Hell, I haven't been able to get into much of...
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One of the bands I'm in recently lost its drummer, and now we're apparently thinking about getting rid of our second guitarist. Things aren't going well, and unbeknownst to my co-founder, I too have been considering quiting. I just don't really get into it anymore. Hell, I haven't been able to get into much of...
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what kinda band is it? maybe you just need to test your limits again...find something exciting, and new
you were there you saw it go down how much did work suck asshole today for me at least you stole some work karma you had a good day i got raped by fate hope your balls grow together
p.s try finding an ass that tastes like candy
p.s try finding an ass that tastes like candy

First day at the new job. went well. A little sore tho....
And in case anyone was wondering (or cared) Saturday was supposed to be a gig for one of the bands I'm in, Wendy is Staring at Me. The guitarist and i drove about an hour and a half to club called no excuses. When we got there we discovered...there was no show!...
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First day at the new job. went well. A little sore tho....
And in case anyone was wondering (or cared) Saturday was supposed to be a gig for one of the bands I'm in, Wendy is Staring at Me. The guitarist and i drove about an hour and a half to club called no excuses. When we got there we discovered...there was no show!...
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welcome to hell my friend remember dont stare yoder in the eye like gorrillas he takes as a challenge

asshole ripping you off
i'll kick his ass

So.....here it is about a quarter till 6 in the morning, and i tried to sleep once. Well, sorta. Anyway....
I'm not looking forward to saturday, cuz i have a feeling its going to be disasterous. What i am looking forward though is monday when i start my new job. (that, too, i owe to tikkigod). It will be nice to finally be able...
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I'm not looking forward to saturday, cuz i have a feeling its going to be disasterous. What i am looking forward though is monday when i start my new job. (that, too, i owe to tikkigod). It will be nice to finally be able...
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dosen't debt suck ass?
Welcome to SG
And woo for beer!
Welcome to SG
And woo for beer!

i am here. where are you? oh andtikkigod is tha shit, anyone says otherwise, and i'll.....point a finger and talk loud or something!
i ate them
wes gots booze fo next week

slipknots new album...is a tribute to his new wifey and kid. the monster has fallen in love. i think i could only truley like about three or four songs off their new album.
he's fallen in love....he's not twisted anymore...or at least not this album
i'll see what i can do i don't drive.