Thanks for the get well wishes. I'm now feeling much better!
Which means I'm in a super-great mood. I was looking forward to that the whole time I was sick. I knew as soon as I was better that feeling good would be all the more enjoyable. Ya can't have health without sickness.
My article this week is on Constantine. It's the first movie review I've ever written.
Not a whole lot else going on. I'm excited cos I don't have class tomorrow night, so I actually get to watch the OC when it comes on. Hope it's a good one.

My article this week is on Constantine. It's the first movie review I've ever written.
Not a whole lot else going on. I'm excited cos I don't have class tomorrow night, so I actually get to watch the OC when it comes on. Hope it's a good one.
thanX 'G'. The grand celebration is this weekend, so I'll be havin a gOOd time no doubt. I'm gonna update tomorrow with the details.

you need to update bro.