Right, I have absolutely no memory of making that last journal entry,or any of the comments that I made last night. I guess that's what you get when you mix Tequila, Mezcal, Vodka, Gin, Ale and Lager!
I've just woken up, with surprisingly little hangover for the amount I drank last night, I'm sure it will worsen as the day goes on.
my stereo is currently surrounded by a whole bunch of discarded Kyuss and QOTSA CDs, so I would hazard a guess that they would have possibly led me to post my last journal entry.
If anyone knows a decent way of protecting computers from drunken prattlings, please let me know.
So, it's been one hell of a dull week. Nothing's been going on with work, and things have been pretty quiet, with friends being on holiday and suchlike. This week I have the undoubted pleasure of helping some friends move house, although my efforts will be rewarded with beer.
Things I really need to do this week - I really have to get onto ebay and sell some stuff, I've collected it all into one area, and it's a sizeable amount of stuff. I've been meaning to get onto it for quite some time, but I don't know what's up with me, I'm so unmotivated to do anything, it's just not funny. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get it sorted out at some point.
I did finally sell my TV though!
I feel strangely liberated now I don't have the source of eternal vexation sat in the corner of my room. I also have to admit to quite liking the looks of shock that cross people's faces when I tell them I don't have a TV, they look all agog and then ask 'But what do you do then?' I even had one guy ask me 'So what do you point your furniture at?' which made me laugh, quite a lot.
I went a little crazy in a bookstore the other day, I bought the Canterbury tales, The Iliad, and Bruce Campbell's autobiography, fantastically titled If chins could kill. I'm deep within th eIliad at the moment, I read it years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it but have never got round to buying a copy. It's amazing though, it's just a shame it's such a god awful movie.
I've just woken up, with surprisingly little hangover for the amount I drank last night, I'm sure it will worsen as the day goes on.

If anyone knows a decent way of protecting computers from drunken prattlings, please let me know.
So, it's been one hell of a dull week. Nothing's been going on with work, and things have been pretty quiet, with friends being on holiday and suchlike. This week I have the undoubted pleasure of helping some friends move house, although my efforts will be rewarded with beer.

Things I really need to do this week - I really have to get onto ebay and sell some stuff, I've collected it all into one area, and it's a sizeable amount of stuff. I've been meaning to get onto it for quite some time, but I don't know what's up with me, I'm so unmotivated to do anything, it's just not funny. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get it sorted out at some point.
I did finally sell my TV though!

I went a little crazy in a bookstore the other day, I bought the Canterbury tales, The Iliad, and Bruce Campbell's autobiography, fantastically titled If chins could kill. I'm deep within th eIliad at the moment, I read it years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it but have never got round to buying a copy. It's amazing though, it's just a shame it's such a god awful movie.
I'm a little nervous about camping. I've never gone so I'm really not sure what to expect. I'm just looking forward to getting some relax time in