Updating has become quite troublesome as of late, as I'm sure some of you may well have noticed. It's been a wierd old time....
Back to work now, which sucks. I have come to the conclusion that I truly hate my job, and my boss quite passionately. This week (and last week, and the week before that) have involved drinking heavily and steadily, with what is almost a grim determination. I may be starting to get concerned over that.
The heat has been nasty, I've been sweating almost constantly for the last week. Though it did break into an awesome thunderstorm yesterday morning!
Personally, I've been feeling a little hollow of late, just letting everything just wash over me, because I feel like I couldn't really care about what happens one way or the other. I need to find some direction in my life...
My married friend, the one who is about to go into the throes of divorce has finally confronted his (ex?) wife that he's found someone else. He had to crash over here last night. I should really have told him off, and told him that was a shitty thing to do. Especially as I presided at his wedding as the best man. But, to be honest, I've done a lot of questionable things in my life, and he's always been straight down the line, so I feel that maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Add to that the fact that I don't really like his wife that much anyway....
But hey, I gotta get some way to get rid of this aimless feeling, any ideas?
Updating has become quite troublesome as of late, as I'm sure some of you may well have noticed. It's been a wierd old time....
Back to work now, which sucks. I have come to the conclusion that I truly hate my job, and my boss quite passionately. This week (and last week, and the week before that) have involved drinking heavily and steadily, with what is almost a grim determination. I may be starting to get concerned over that.
The heat has been nasty, I've been sweating almost constantly for the last week. Though it did break into an awesome thunderstorm yesterday morning!
Personally, I've been feeling a little hollow of late, just letting everything just wash over me, because I feel like I couldn't really care about what happens one way or the other. I need to find some direction in my life...

My married friend, the one who is about to go into the throes of divorce has finally confronted his (ex?) wife that he's found someone else. He had to crash over here last night. I should really have told him off, and told him that was a shitty thing to do. Especially as I presided at his wedding as the best man. But, to be honest, I've done a lot of questionable things in my life, and he's always been straight down the line, so I feel that maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Add to that the fact that I don't really like his wife that much anyway....
But hey, I gotta get some way to get rid of this aimless feeling, any ideas?
*hugs* back at you!
Good thing I'm dark... otherwise, you'd be able to notice the HUGE bruise I have on my shin. It still hurts like hell
The unsettling thing was indeed too unsettling, and it shouldn't have come up during this weekend because I did not want to deal with stupidity while I was supposed to be having fun with my girls. It's okay though. All is done and over with. I'm not happy with the outcome, but it has enabled me to move on and see things in a different light. So all in all, it wasn't too bad of a thing.
Well, I guess it's my turn to explain some of our terminology, eh? When I say "all up in each other's nuts" it's probably exactly what you're thinking
Insanity, stupidity, and lack of class are all great deal breakers! I wholeheartedly agree
I hope your weekend was great!