So I ended up going (yet again) to the local biker bar last night. I've promised myself on countless occasions that I'll never go back, especially after all the shit that hit the fan after Frank died. But it was strangely apt though, the chapter have sold the bar and are heading out. So last night was the last ever night. So it's put some closure on that part of my life, strange to think that 10 years ago, I went to the grand opening, not knowing how the place would affect my future life and relationships. If I'd have known then, what I know now...... Ah, fuck it, life's too short for regrets. Move on, that's what I gotta do.
Wasn't too pleased though, my friend (who looks like Rasputin in my pics) just split up with his girl, and another friend (who strangely enough also split with her man) both asked me to come down. Rasputin fucked off somewhere (His call I suppose) but my other friend evidently wanted me to play the protective role whilst she was waiting for some kid she picked up in a bar earlier on in the week to come along. So then I was given the hideous task of being 'fixed up' with his sister. Actually, it wasn't even being 'fixed up', it was more like distracting his sister while my friend made a play for him.
So, yeah, I'm glad that place is closed now. With all the bad memories and feelings shut up inside there.
Edited to add:
I've just received a call from my Rasputin looking friend, he woke up this morning in hospital, apparently, when he left the pub, he freaked out, hurt himself and when he was taken to hospital he attacked some of the staff there. Now I feel awful that I skipped out early. He's really confused as he can't remember what happened. The sad thing is, that this isn't the first time he's done stuff like that. I tried to talk to him when he called, but I don't know how to say to a friend that I think he has some form of schizophrenia. I simply told him to ask if he can talk to someone at the hospital about his issues. I hope he does.
Wasn't too pleased though, my friend (who looks like Rasputin in my pics) just split up with his girl, and another friend (who strangely enough also split with her man) both asked me to come down. Rasputin fucked off somewhere (His call I suppose) but my other friend evidently wanted me to play the protective role whilst she was waiting for some kid she picked up in a bar earlier on in the week to come along. So then I was given the hideous task of being 'fixed up' with his sister. Actually, it wasn't even being 'fixed up', it was more like distracting his sister while my friend made a play for him.
So, yeah, I'm glad that place is closed now. With all the bad memories and feelings shut up inside there.
Edited to add:
I've just received a call from my Rasputin looking friend, he woke up this morning in hospital, apparently, when he left the pub, he freaked out, hurt himself and when he was taken to hospital he attacked some of the staff there. Now I feel awful that I skipped out early. He's really confused as he can't remember what happened. The sad thing is, that this isn't the first time he's done stuff like that. I tried to talk to him when he called, but I don't know how to say to a friend that I think he has some form of schizophrenia. I simply told him to ask if he can talk to someone at the hospital about his issues. I hope he does.

Wow, that was long and detailed..........The build up is where it's at my friend. Glad you liked it. Nothing to add, nothing you would change? How was I?
What drugs did you not find?