Aaaawww, thanks for the birthday messages everyone, I feel a bit like when I was about 8, and my mum would make me write thank you letters to all my family who would send me a card or present.
Dear distant relative.
Thanks for my card/present. It was really good.
I am well, and I hope you are too.
Lots of love
Me (aged 8)
That kind of thing. I'll write you all personally when I get a few minutes, something a bit better too. But thanks once again.
I love you all!!!
Off to see the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy on friday, I sure hope it doesn't suck
Dear distant relative.
Thanks for my card/present. It was really good.
I am well, and I hope you are too.
Lots of love
Me (aged 8)
That kind of thing. I'll write you all personally when I get a few minutes, something a bit better too. But thanks once again.
I love you all!!!
Off to see the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy on friday, I sure hope it doesn't suck

I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!!!!
You're absolutely right: change is possible, and comes incrementally.
There are two things I want to take up in your last post, in particular.
You say that factory farms may attract "certain types." I can think of two ways to take this: it can either be a class distinction or a distinction based on patterns of behavior. I'm guessing you meant the latter. If it's the former, well, I'm going to have to invoke my radical leftism/structural worldview! In other words, if that's what's available to lower class people, then we have an even bigger problem on our hands. But if you mean people whom have already exhibited violent tendencies, then I think that only warrants a heightened responsibility on the part of business not to hire them. It sounds like it would only exacerbate/enable them and spread more trouble in society, in the form of domestic violence, I'm guessing.
Secondly, you mention Kyoto. I was very upset (though it was obviously predictable) over how our sham-President handled that. If these motherfuckers can justify what is going on in Iraq for their vision of a liberal-democratic Middle East, then they should fucking be able to justify some economic setbacks for the fucking planet. Sorry for all the fucking, but I'm a despondent American lefty.