Up until this point, this week has sucked and blown simultaneously! I have been stuck in the most soulless, mind numbing place in the world! Yep, you guessed it, a travel inn in Worcester. I was supposed to be thee tonight, but, just couldn't face it tonight, so I high tailed it home as fast as I could go. Then I get to do it all again tomorrow, but this time in Wales! fortunately for me though, I will have some form of company. Whereas two nights in a nasty mock theme pub, with glassy eyed pikey couples eating dinner in a stoney silence, avoiding any eye contact with each other, and then remarking what a nice evening they've had, quite frankly, puts the willies up me! Though I did manage an entire DeBernieres book though (Which was nice).
Fortunately when I get back on Friday, it will be that most magical day, Pay day! I'll be able to afford those little luxuries in life, like food etc.
Hope everyone else is cool.
Up until this point, this week has sucked and blown simultaneously! I have been stuck in the most soulless, mind numbing place in the world! Yep, you guessed it, a travel inn in Worcester. I was supposed to be thee tonight, but, just couldn't face it tonight, so I high tailed it home as fast as I could go. Then I get to do it all again tomorrow, but this time in Wales! fortunately for me though, I will have some form of company. Whereas two nights in a nasty mock theme pub, with glassy eyed pikey couples eating dinner in a stoney silence, avoiding any eye contact with each other, and then remarking what a nice evening they've had, quite frankly, puts the willies up me! Though I did manage an entire DeBernieres book though (Which was nice).
Fortunately when I get back on Friday, it will be that most magical day, Pay day! I'll be able to afford those little luxuries in life, like food etc.
Hope everyone else is cool.
you know you can beat glass eyed pikey couples! As long as everything is nailed to the floor your fine. Just need to make sure your shoes are on tight, cos seriously they'll have anything!
As for exotic meat, if you every get a chance try springbok 10 out 0f 10, its delicious and nutricious (so i've heard), wildebeast comes in close at 9.75 out of 10.
What ever you do don't bother with zebra, it mings (which isn't nice).
hey, tomorrow is pay day!