Yeah, that's right! Orange tried to keep me down. The bastards deleted my account. I had to phone OFCOM and everything. Oh, by the way, don't phone OFCOM, they'll only tell you that they don't take on individual cases. But they do get nicely flustered when you ask them what they do actually do. But yes, I am back. This time a bit more permanently than before (ISP willing)
So, what's happened to me then? Well, no internet has forced me to be a bit social you know... I went to Download, crap bands, awful setup, but some great people to go with and some even finer people to meet, lots of beer, pot and anything else I could shove into my system made up for the appaling line up. That and Cavalera Conspiracy. They justified the ticket price alone. I bought myself a spanking great mondo bastard Quad core killer gaming PC. I bought Bioshock too, in the hope that it would while away the dark hours of no internet, until I found out that you need to be online to install the bloody thing! So consider yourselves lucky that I'm here instead of in Rapture.
My housemate (and one of my oldest friends) has moved out, he's only gone and bought himself a house. Yep, in this economic climate, he has shelled out a large sum on a house with faulty wiring and a knackered roof in the worst part of the city. I guess he's not thinking about resale value then. But yes, best of luck to him, and now comes the horrible bit, I have to try and find another housemate. And be responsible with the bills and stuff, as they've all just been given to me. Great.
I actually managed to get an interview too. I had it yesterday and will be finding out if I get the job or not within the next couple of days. So fingers crossed.
I've also been dressing up in ridiculous 70s clothes and having photos and cine movies taken of me. It's all about the crazy 70s Zombie thing I'm helping to organise in November. I've even had to record a few radio shows. I'd say that I make an interesting Radio host... Kind of.
Other than that, drinking heroic amounts (I'm sure you'd be disappointed if I was doing otherwise!), working like a dog (We had a terrorist attack here you know!), reading Brubaker's Captain America (Very, very good), Walking dead (I'm now up to date with that) and catching up with Hellblazer (Always a goodie) re reading the Louis DeBernieres trilogy and watching stupid movies (I've had a Schwarzenegger night, a Van Damme night and am thinking of a Vin Diesel night, so you get the idea).
I will be catching up with you guys as soon as I can. But for now, it feels damn good to be back.