Good things about the week:
Barbecue with some top people. Eating lots of meat, drinking gallons of cheap wine and talking complete bollocks about some very good music.
4 days off work. I can really get used to this shift thing. You know when you get to the weekend, and you're thinking that you need to get all the mundane stuff out of the way, while managing to maximise your time in bed, while still hoping to get a patch of afternoon drinking in, while hoping to... and so on? Yeah, not me. 4 days. Yesterday I spent most of my time lightly dozing between episodes of Firefly. All right.
Managing to hear the dawn chorus twice. In the (virtual) company of someone quite extraordinary. Thank you. I feel incredibly privileged.
My new surround speakers. Hence the Firefly, I've also dusted off Dawn of war and am giving my housemates the impression that I'm having a large scale war in my room. I like it, I think it's good.
A new band to listen to, perfect for listening to whilst walking in the recent weather.
1 shift left as a trainee. Tomorrow is the last day, on Monday I get pushed from this womb like team, where I'm feeling dead confident about everything and am about to be shoved out into the real world, shocked, terrified and alone! Ah, but it'll be cool, I'm looking forward to it.
A slip through the door saying that the postman has tried to deliver something but no one was about.
Starting to learn that patience has it's own rewards.
Bad things about the week:
The revenge of the forms. I get back to work today fully refreshed, to discover that the boss has decided to give us our long awaited IT assessments, along with a grueling end of course self assessment, and yet another skills and knowledge assessment. To pile infamy upon infamy, we also get handed the police application form, told to merely full in the highlighted sections. That included the security form. Now, I've already done all this. Well, maybe not personally but the employment agency have on my behalf. I know this because I already have the job. (Well, depending on the results of the IT assessment). So I have to do that again, and the security form is a nightmare, I have to do a bit of genealogy... again.
I fear I've lost my phone. It's probably in my workmate's car, and due to a recent conversation with someone, I want to experiment on exactly how much I rely on it. Mainly because if it is lost, it's going to be 4 days before I can replace it.
A slip through the door saying that the postman has tried to deliver something but that no one was in. I have to wait until Monday now.
Starting to learn that patience has it's own rewards.
So thus, the week can be entered into the record as 'a rather fine week'
This post has been bought to you by the numbers 4, 7 and 12. The letter V and the word 'assessment'
Barbecue with some top people. Eating lots of meat, drinking gallons of cheap wine and talking complete bollocks about some very good music.
4 days off work. I can really get used to this shift thing. You know when you get to the weekend, and you're thinking that you need to get all the mundane stuff out of the way, while managing to maximise your time in bed, while still hoping to get a patch of afternoon drinking in, while hoping to... and so on? Yeah, not me. 4 days. Yesterday I spent most of my time lightly dozing between episodes of Firefly. All right.
Managing to hear the dawn chorus twice. In the (virtual) company of someone quite extraordinary. Thank you. I feel incredibly privileged.

My new surround speakers. Hence the Firefly, I've also dusted off Dawn of war and am giving my housemates the impression that I'm having a large scale war in my room. I like it, I think it's good.
A new band to listen to, perfect for listening to whilst walking in the recent weather.
1 shift left as a trainee. Tomorrow is the last day, on Monday I get pushed from this womb like team, where I'm feeling dead confident about everything and am about to be shoved out into the real world, shocked, terrified and alone! Ah, but it'll be cool, I'm looking forward to it.
A slip through the door saying that the postman has tried to deliver something but no one was about.
Starting to learn that patience has it's own rewards.
Bad things about the week:
The revenge of the forms. I get back to work today fully refreshed, to discover that the boss has decided to give us our long awaited IT assessments, along with a grueling end of course self assessment, and yet another skills and knowledge assessment. To pile infamy upon infamy, we also get handed the police application form, told to merely full in the highlighted sections. That included the security form. Now, I've already done all this. Well, maybe not personally but the employment agency have on my behalf. I know this because I already have the job. (Well, depending on the results of the IT assessment). So I have to do that again, and the security form is a nightmare, I have to do a bit of genealogy... again.
I fear I've lost my phone. It's probably in my workmate's car, and due to a recent conversation with someone, I want to experiment on exactly how much I rely on it. Mainly because if it is lost, it's going to be 4 days before I can replace it.
A slip through the door saying that the postman has tried to deliver something but that no one was in. I have to wait until Monday now.
Starting to learn that patience has it's own rewards.

So thus, the week can be entered into the record as 'a rather fine week'

This post has been bought to you by the numbers 4, 7 and 12. The letter V and the word 'assessment'
You could say "don't stand so close to the mangler OH NO IT GOT ANOTHER ONE!" Or just "buy a washing machine you bloody cheapskates, it's not the bleeding 1900's"
I've moved it to your new one!