I've found that I observe people. And I observe myself observing them.
Sounds a bit weird doesn't it. But bear with me for a moment.
I went to Bristol the other night for a friend's birthday. I wish I could have stayed on for Neyrissa's gathering, but work had to intrude. It was rubbish. Kind of. Well. Hmm.
It should have been rubbish, but I found it quite amusing. We went out, went to an awful, yet brilliant rock type pub (They played Manowar! Fuck yeah!), and there were merely 5 of us. The birthday person, her housemate, another (male) housemate, one of his friends and me. Anyhoo, it turns out that someone is screwing someone that someone else used to have a thing about, and the last person is screwing the aforementioned person who had a thing for someone else.
You still with me?
No, I didn't really expect you to be either, because it's just a bit of crazy childish bollocks.But that didn't stop everyone from falling out with each other, glaring and finally some people deciding to storm out.
You see? That should have been a rubbish night shouldn't it? But, it was so much fun to just sit in the corner, grin amiably and just watch them go. And curiously I found myself watching myself watching them. I that makes any kind of sense. Which it doesn't at all. so I'd like to be the first to thank you for putting up with my inane ramblings.
But yeah, it's just something that I've caught myself doing a bit recently.
Other news, my Download ticket is finally sorted. A young lady has asked me if I can take her spare ticket in return for being her download buddy. Hah! She has no idea what I'm like at a festival. Speaking of Download, I had a meeting with a bunch of the guys I'm going up with, which is always a giggle when we get together. Despite some rather probing questions from a friend, which was a bit odd. And I wasn't appreciating the line of questioning, but ah well, that's him all over.
Birthday coming up. Why is it that those "Landmark" birthdays always seem so daunting until just after them? You merely realise that it's a lot of fuss about nothing. But it still feels a bit much. 30? Me? No, that can't be right. I can barely look after myself, I'm not ready to be an adult!
And then in a week, I'll have realised that there's no difference.
So yes, The weekend, London, drinking, friends, Brighton, more friends, more drinking, home. And probably some drinking.
Bring it on!
Oh, as a postscript, I'd just like to thank a couple of people on the site that have inadvertently introduced me to Death note. That's taking up an amount of my time now.
Sounds a bit weird doesn't it. But bear with me for a moment.
I went to Bristol the other night for a friend's birthday. I wish I could have stayed on for Neyrissa's gathering, but work had to intrude. It was rubbish. Kind of. Well. Hmm.
It should have been rubbish, but I found it quite amusing. We went out, went to an awful, yet brilliant rock type pub (They played Manowar! Fuck yeah!), and there were merely 5 of us. The birthday person, her housemate, another (male) housemate, one of his friends and me. Anyhoo, it turns out that someone is screwing someone that someone else used to have a thing about, and the last person is screwing the aforementioned person who had a thing for someone else.
You still with me?
No, I didn't really expect you to be either, because it's just a bit of crazy childish bollocks.But that didn't stop everyone from falling out with each other, glaring and finally some people deciding to storm out.
You see? That should have been a rubbish night shouldn't it? But, it was so much fun to just sit in the corner, grin amiably and just watch them go. And curiously I found myself watching myself watching them. I that makes any kind of sense. Which it doesn't at all. so I'd like to be the first to thank you for putting up with my inane ramblings.
But yeah, it's just something that I've caught myself doing a bit recently.
Other news, my Download ticket is finally sorted. A young lady has asked me if I can take her spare ticket in return for being her download buddy. Hah! She has no idea what I'm like at a festival. Speaking of Download, I had a meeting with a bunch of the guys I'm going up with, which is always a giggle when we get together. Despite some rather probing questions from a friend, which was a bit odd. And I wasn't appreciating the line of questioning, but ah well, that's him all over.
Birthday coming up. Why is it that those "Landmark" birthdays always seem so daunting until just after them? You merely realise that it's a lot of fuss about nothing. But it still feels a bit much. 30? Me? No, that can't be right. I can barely look after myself, I'm not ready to be an adult!
And then in a week, I'll have realised that there's no difference.
So yes, The weekend, London, drinking, friends, Brighton, more friends, more drinking, home. And probably some drinking.
Bring it on!
Oh, as a postscript, I'd just like to thank a couple of people on the site that have inadvertently introduced me to Death note. That's taking up an amount of my time now.

Heroes of course !
The only person I think I'd argue with more then I do with my friends is me. I can't imagine I'd ever actually like me so a room full of clones of me sounds horrendous. I'm sure one of them would end up like Rimmers clone.