Well, it's not a bad thing that I didn't get the job. Thanks for your comments everyone. Firstly, the job itself was a means to an end, and I wasn't really that fussed on it, and secondly, everyone I know from that neck of the woods has either moved to London or stopped speaking to me for no readily apparent reason (Except for one person, who I wish wasn't speaking to me
The good thing about it is that my boss has been using that as a carrot to dangle over me for 2 years now. Well, it's no longer there, so he can just fuck off now. I've also made the final preparations to get my mountain of debt sorted out, which will be well in hand in the new year which will put me in the unique position of giving me some options and breathing room. So now I have that eternal question in front of me: What do I want to be when I grow up? Answer: I'll be buggered if I know! I've been a chef - Which was rubbish, I did courses for a career in computers (Which is still a bit of a passion of mine) but to no avail, working within the retail sector sucks balls, as I'm sure some of you out there are well aware. So now I get to think about what I want to do. This is going to be hard.
And the silly season has once again crept up on me without my knowledge. And I'm about as unfestive as it's possible for a person to be. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole thing about Christmas, I love giving presents to people (Yeah, I'm a sap; I do love watching people's reactions when they open a gift from me) I like the social part of it, the food, and oh! How much food! The drink, the parties. Alas though, what generally happens is that I get to feel uncomfortable at my Dad's house, being incredulous at how my 2 little sisters are poster children for the 50s nuclear family, popping outside for a smoke every 10 minutes and watching some truly awful TV, so I'm opting out this year. I will be getting tattooed though over the festive period, as Katja and her lovely fella are coming down to the area, which will be nice, although, as I take my responsibilities as a host very seriously, it means that I'm going to have to make a Vegan meal, which I have had no experience in doing. Should be interesting. I don't have to do the family thing until the 30th, but of course I'll be paying the price of a quiet Christmas by having to go to a panto. The mere thought of it makes my lip curl, I've also been informed that my 11 year old nephew has stated that all he is looking forward to when he comes down is seeing me. Which either means he has very, very low expectations or is just mad. Either way though, I have been asked to pay him as much attention as I can muster, as he is apparently really looking forward to it. I'll accept any suggestions as to how to entertain an 11 year old with ADHD and a great interest in football, of which I have none.
Fuck it, I'll just get shitfaced and let it sort itself out.

The good thing about it is that my boss has been using that as a carrot to dangle over me for 2 years now. Well, it's no longer there, so he can just fuck off now. I've also made the final preparations to get my mountain of debt sorted out, which will be well in hand in the new year which will put me in the unique position of giving me some options and breathing room. So now I have that eternal question in front of me: What do I want to be when I grow up? Answer: I'll be buggered if I know! I've been a chef - Which was rubbish, I did courses for a career in computers (Which is still a bit of a passion of mine) but to no avail, working within the retail sector sucks balls, as I'm sure some of you out there are well aware. So now I get to think about what I want to do. This is going to be hard.
And the silly season has once again crept up on me without my knowledge. And I'm about as unfestive as it's possible for a person to be. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole thing about Christmas, I love giving presents to people (Yeah, I'm a sap; I do love watching people's reactions when they open a gift from me) I like the social part of it, the food, and oh! How much food! The drink, the parties. Alas though, what generally happens is that I get to feel uncomfortable at my Dad's house, being incredulous at how my 2 little sisters are poster children for the 50s nuclear family, popping outside for a smoke every 10 minutes and watching some truly awful TV, so I'm opting out this year. I will be getting tattooed though over the festive period, as Katja and her lovely fella are coming down to the area, which will be nice, although, as I take my responsibilities as a host very seriously, it means that I'm going to have to make a Vegan meal, which I have had no experience in doing. Should be interesting. I don't have to do the family thing until the 30th, but of course I'll be paying the price of a quiet Christmas by having to go to a panto. The mere thought of it makes my lip curl, I've also been informed that my 11 year old nephew has stated that all he is looking forward to when he comes down is seeing me. Which either means he has very, very low expectations or is just mad. Either way though, I have been asked to pay him as much attention as I can muster, as he is apparently really looking forward to it. I'll accept any suggestions as to how to entertain an 11 year old with ADHD and a great interest in football, of which I have none.
Fuck it, I'll just get shitfaced and let it sort itself out.

have a rocknroll one - or save it till new years eve
Serve boiled cabbage that's been certified to have died of natural causes after a long and happy life.
Have a very 'Merry' Christmas