Well, in head office's infinite wisdom, I had to attend a marketing plan meeting in Blackburn on Thursday. So cue getting up at 4, running around trying to remember what to pack, and the grueling drive up there. One very very boring meeting, with some of the strangest quotes from the marketing department (Buying paint is something of a journey, and we're there to help every step of the way
, We're not selling paint, we're selling dreams. Wankers) Then a free lunch in what can only be described as a gopping staff canteen. There was, or at least I'm told, an afternoon meeting, but I managed to sleep soundly through that. Then an open bar tab in a quite passable italian restaurant, where I got very drunk and very obnoxious. Friday, Wake up with a very bad head (I should know better than to mix the hop and the grape shouldn't I), drive to Manchester to get rid of this

Which I've had for 4 long years and driven into the ground.
And pick up this.

Which is very spangly, only had 6 miles on the clock and goes VVVvvvvrrrrrooooooooommmmMMMMM! and (and here's the thing) it has a CD player! No more mucking around with a shitty tape/CD adapter for me! Although most of my music is on my phone/Mp3 player/Mini disc player so I suppose I'll have to start sorting some CDs out.
Then I started the drive back, had lunch with Perdy, got caught in traffic, then decided to get Blayde to make me lots and lots of coffee, and got home at about 2am.
Saturday: Sleep, sleep and more sleep, wake up and make an enormous moussaka and eat half of it, forcing me to go back to sleep.
Sunday: Go and visit my Dad and his family, eat an appalling meal once again, and get roped into visiting at some point over christmas. Bah.
There, that's some of the physical things I've been doing. There's been a few other things going on with me too, I actually took steps into sorting myself out. They say that admitting that you have a problem is the first step.
This is quite clearly absolute bollocks.
I've known I've had a problem for some time now, and I've been using that knowledge as a shield, using it to excuse myself for being dumb and running up even more debts. But I got to the point where I had to put my hands up and say that this is getting seriously fucked up, and I have to get something sorted out, so I did. Then came the awful phone call to my mum, having to say that 'I know you think your son to be a prosperous, succesful and carefree individual, but here's how it really is' Which was the worst bit. But what's done is done, and I feel a lot better for it.
In other news, I've been given the opportunity to exact some very petty revenge on someone. I won't go into details, but I'm in a bit of a dilemma, do I take it? It's very tempting. Or do I become the big man and not take delight in a situation that has suddenly become reversed?
Also, you really have to read this
Bugger! I forgot to say that I'm heading up to Leeds for the meet this weekend, not only to increase TheNewScumUK's poo diameter, but also to drink, carouse and have a good time with many other fine folks from the site. I'm hiring a car and if anyone needs a lift to said event and lives anywhere near the M5, M42 or M1, then please message me.

Which I've had for 4 long years and driven into the ground.
And pick up this.

Which is very spangly, only had 6 miles on the clock and goes VVVvvvvrrrrrooooooooommmmMMMMM! and (and here's the thing) it has a CD player! No more mucking around with a shitty tape/CD adapter for me! Although most of my music is on my phone/Mp3 player/Mini disc player so I suppose I'll have to start sorting some CDs out.
Then I started the drive back, had lunch with Perdy, got caught in traffic, then decided to get Blayde to make me lots and lots of coffee, and got home at about 2am.
Saturday: Sleep, sleep and more sleep, wake up and make an enormous moussaka and eat half of it, forcing me to go back to sleep.
Sunday: Go and visit my Dad and his family, eat an appalling meal once again, and get roped into visiting at some point over christmas. Bah.
There, that's some of the physical things I've been doing. There's been a few other things going on with me too, I actually took steps into sorting myself out. They say that admitting that you have a problem is the first step.
This is quite clearly absolute bollocks.
I've known I've had a problem for some time now, and I've been using that knowledge as a shield, using it to excuse myself for being dumb and running up even more debts. But I got to the point where I had to put my hands up and say that this is getting seriously fucked up, and I have to get something sorted out, so I did. Then came the awful phone call to my mum, having to say that 'I know you think your son to be a prosperous, succesful and carefree individual, but here's how it really is' Which was the worst bit. But what's done is done, and I feel a lot better for it.
In other news, I've been given the opportunity to exact some very petty revenge on someone. I won't go into details, but I'm in a bit of a dilemma, do I take it? It's very tempting. Or do I become the big man and not take delight in a situation that has suddenly become reversed?
Also, you really have to read this

Bugger! I forgot to say that I'm heading up to Leeds for the meet this weekend, not only to increase TheNewScumUK's poo diameter, but also to drink, carouse and have a good time with many other fine folks from the site. I'm hiring a car and if anyone needs a lift to said event and lives anywhere near the M5, M42 or M1, then please message me.

As for revenge, kill, maim, destroy, unless you had something more subtle in mind