Well, that last entry was pretty cryptic wasn't it?
I just had to do something which I wasn't looking forward to in the slightest. Generally, in a situation like that, I completely bottle it or make some form of really feeble excuse. But I didn't. Honesty was indeed the best policy, and although I feel pretty bad that I let it get to this stage, I'm glad that I was able to come out with it and say what I needed to say. Go me.
My birthday is now looming too. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, I'll be celebrating it at the weekend with the someone who means the world to me.
But enough slush.
I had a bit of a dressing down from my housemate. He was amazed that I've had broadband internet access for years, but have never seen this so apologies if you've already seen it, but I cried at it's brilliance!
I just had to do something which I wasn't looking forward to in the slightest. Generally, in a situation like that, I completely bottle it or make some form of really feeble excuse. But I didn't. Honesty was indeed the best policy, and although I feel pretty bad that I let it get to this stage, I'm glad that I was able to come out with it and say what I needed to say. Go me.
My birthday is now looming too. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, I'll be celebrating it at the weekend with the someone who means the world to me.
But enough slush.
I had a bit of a dressing down from my housemate. He was amazed that I've had broadband internet access for years, but have never seen this so apologies if you've already seen it, but I cried at it's brilliance!
Happy birthday, Happy pig!