Where in the name of buggering fuck did my week go?
Warning, long and dull ramblings about the workings of computers.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Right, first things first. Computers suck ass. Let me explain to you how this home network thing works in this house. We have a broadband connection and a router. But, the router doesn't work the way it's supposed to, oh no, that would be way too easy. You can't plug the modem straight into the router, because it doesn't recognise it. So what we had was the broadband coming into the house via Dave's (my housemate) computer, this then wirelessly sent the signal to the router, and so on and so forth. Now, this wasn't an ideal situation to be in, because it meant that all our internet habits were dictated by Dave's internet habits. Add to that the signal being incredibly weak when it got to my computer and you had a network that was not the most reliable thing in the world.In fact, it would seem to wait for me to be either chatting on MSN or writing a long post/journal entry, and then decide to have no signal when I pressed the submit button. Which was I'll add, slightly irritating. So that was it, we'd had enough. We got Ben's (my other housemate) old computer tower, and scavenged a new monitor and keyboard. We then set about the task of installing windows on it, and ripping out the cable wiring that festooned our house in order to be able to move the modem. But we were missing a wireless card for it. Not a problem, there was a network card in it, that could be plugged into the router, and the modem would go into a USB port. No worries. Yeah, right. The thing is, although Ben's computer does actually have USB ports. When he got it, USB technology was in it's infancy. Which means that neither of the ports works for any longer than 5 minutes after the thing is switched on. Which has led a certain amount of sulleness to spread around the house. But with the installation of another network card, over a day's tinkering with settings I don't understand in the slightest, and a long pointless amount of time spent on hold with technical support lines, I did it. it (appears at least) works. Although it's not done that much to my signal reception, though it now fluctuates between excellent signal strength to none, whereas before it went from low signal to none.
Monday night was good though, I went out to see a couple of friends that I'v enot seen for a while, they moved to a very small village, and it's a bit of a bitch getting out to there. But I spent all night sat in front of a roaring open fire, eaing jacket potatoes and playing with kittens. Which is a surprisingly tiring experience.
Tuesday night, I had to drop something round to a friend's, which then turned into a couple of pints at an acoustic night at a nearby pub, which then turned into a couple more pints in a late bar, which then turned into a drunken stagger home at stupid O'clock, and the purchase of one kebab. No hangover the next day though. It worries me when this happens.
And the anouncement came through from work, 125 people are going to be made redundant. The actual list of people to go has yet to be finalised. But I'm hoping and praying that it's going to be me. But I know that I'm not that lucky. So if for no good reason you stumble across this boss, ME! ME! ME! Go on, you know you want to, I don't even do any bloody work anyway!
This has made my day though.
I can't come to download **SOB*. I found out I passed my exams on Monday, so now I'm sitting my finals in June, and they're on the 12th, 13, and 14th. So no festivals til after then. I can't afford to fail (resits this time will cost about 3,000 and I have far more important things to waste money on!)
Hope you get free s.