Heh! Ow.
I hurt. All over.
Soulfly were awesome. I now seem to have a formula when I go to shows like that. I get drunk, wander off, and my friends don't see me all night, and I have a great time. I seem to have picked up a liking for swirling mosh pits though, which explains why I feel like I've been put through a mangle. But it's worth it. I even got invited to stay back in the bar by the rather nice girl who ran the bar. So I ended up drinking until the wee hours with a bunch of 18 year old lithe undergrad girls (to clarify - it was at the local uni) though I did feel a little embarrased by the fact that I've known this girl for about6 or 7 years, not very well, but well enough to chat every time we bump into each other. Up until last night, I never knew her name, it took some discreet chicanery to find it out I can tell you
. When I finally staggered drunkenly home, I passed a 24 hour convenience store (Why are they called 'convenience' stores? Of all the words I'd use to describe them, convenient doesn't enter into it. Dingy, miserable, overpriced and understocked are words more appropriate. But, I digress) and for no readily apparent reason I decided that a spicy dog penis (Pepperami
) and a loaf of bread would suit my needs. Even though I had bread at home. But then again, when I'm that drunk, reason as we know it doesn't apply to me. I awoke early this morning with a rather debilitating hangover, well, in actual fact I must have still been pissed. and my body felt, well, as I said before like it had been put through a mangle.
So yeah, that was a good evening.
In other news, apart from the water supply having a load of diesel accidentally dumped into it, I decided to say bollocks to it, gave my supervisor a call and basically gave my notice in. Fuck it, this job both sucks and blows at the same time. It's making me fucking miserable and anything would be better than this. My supervisor did intimate that there maybe a whole host of redundancies coming up, so I should hold fire for a few weeks. But whatever happens, by my birthday I will not be working for this bunch of fucking muppets.
I've rediscovered Elvis again, at this moment, I'm listening to Burning Love, which is brilliant.
I hurt. All over.

So yeah, that was a good evening.
In other news, apart from the water supply having a load of diesel accidentally dumped into it, I decided to say bollocks to it, gave my supervisor a call and basically gave my notice in. Fuck it, this job both sucks and blows at the same time. It's making me fucking miserable and anything would be better than this. My supervisor did intimate that there maybe a whole host of redundancies coming up, so I should hold fire for a few weeks. But whatever happens, by my birthday I will not be working for this bunch of fucking muppets.

I've rediscovered Elvis again, at this moment, I'm listening to Burning Love, which is brilliant.
Haha! Your only as young as you feel, just throw yourself in to a few more moshpits, i'm sure you'll be fine!