Yes, that's right people. The_Happy_Pig is back.
I've just been given the best news I've had in a long time.
I'm moving out of this dingy fucking hole I'm currently living in and moving into a very nice victorian house with my best friend.
And it's going to save me about 100 a month, and it'll preserve my sanity too. I think I'm finally ready to deal with human contact again, bouncing off these walls for the best part of a year has not been condusive to my continued emotional wellbeing.
I'm meeting a girl tomorrow night, and my piratey adventures have got me two people willing to pay for me to make them some gear!
All in all, things are going rather well at the moment.
Though, curiously enough, it's always in the autumn that the big changes (good or bad) happen in my life.
A pointless fact, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I've just been given the best news I've had in a long time.
I'm moving out of this dingy fucking hole I'm currently living in and moving into a very nice victorian house with my best friend.
And it's going to save me about 100 a month, and it'll preserve my sanity too. I think I'm finally ready to deal with human contact again, bouncing off these walls for the best part of a year has not been condusive to my continued emotional wellbeing.
I'm meeting a girl tomorrow night, and my piratey adventures have got me two people willing to pay for me to make them some gear!
All in all, things are going rather well at the moment.
Though, curiously enough, it's always in the autumn that the big changes (good or bad) happen in my life.
A pointless fact, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Hope you weren't too dead the next day...