Well, I met up with shabby, patch, fortysix, and the other guy i can never remember his name, at b-Dubs tonight before we went to bentos for the evening, GREAT TIME!
It was great to get out again to see everyone that showed up! Ive got lots and lots of pictures but my reader is not working right now so ill post them when i fire up my laptop in the morning! It was great seeing Poe, since i havent seen her since the last PHP. and of course everyone else who showed up, whom i havent seen since the last time we all went to Bento GOGO except i ended up a lot less trashed this time, and fortysix_and_two diddnt have to drive my drunk ass home tonight! whoo hoo!
I cant wait till next time!
P.S. I dont know how often ill be able to post here or in the forums because im getting into the busy season at work but ill update whenever possible...
OH! Anyone in the retail sales industry, Im planning a party for black friday (Day after Thanksgiving) so some feedback on whoever wants to attend would be absolutely fabulous!
Later all!
Sorry no drink of the week yet
Sorry no gaming tidbit this week either other than buy GTA cause its the shit!
It was great to get out again to see everyone that showed up! Ive got lots and lots of pictures but my reader is not working right now so ill post them when i fire up my laptop in the morning! It was great seeing Poe, since i havent seen her since the last PHP. and of course everyone else who showed up, whom i havent seen since the last time we all went to Bento GOGO except i ended up a lot less trashed this time, and fortysix_and_two diddnt have to drive my drunk ass home tonight! whoo hoo!
I cant wait till next time!
P.S. I dont know how often ill be able to post here or in the forums because im getting into the busy season at work but ill update whenever possible...
OH! Anyone in the retail sales industry, Im planning a party for black friday (Day after Thanksgiving) so some feedback on whoever wants to attend would be absolutely fabulous!
Later all!
Sorry no drink of the week yet
Sorry no gaming tidbit this week either other than buy GTA cause its the shit!
I love ya huny! I saw-eee about the physical violence! I was
glad too see you again! It had been like a month!