at the drive in - order of command (emo hard core)
bauhaus - any album (goth)
the darkness - (up beat baddass rock)
my bloody valintine - (trippy emo rock, think ween and enya)
yes, winter has good taste. I love the coup.
I'm glad you like my words. I will try to stay safe but its a hard cold world outside and thats where i'm always stuck for some reason. send me little prayers through the electric wires.
Love, Lily
bauhaus - any album (goth)
the darkness - (up beat baddass rock)
my bloody valintine - (trippy emo rock, think ween and enya)
(The Wiggle WOrd: Walk into the day unshaven)
I'm glad you like my words. I will try to stay safe but its a hard cold world outside and thats where i'm always stuck for some reason. send me little prayers through the electric wires.
Love, Lily