- on the_gomer's page
First of all That isn't me in the pic on my profile. I just thought it was too funny not to share.
I have been busy lately. I think I keep myself busy to distract me from the fact I have nothing to do.
My arm is almost healed ans back to normal with minimal pain. Thank you far all your kind words ans thought...
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I have been busy lately. I think I keep myself busy to distract me from the fact I have nothing to do.
My arm is almost healed ans back to normal with minimal pain. Thank you far all your kind words ans thought...
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MondaY I WENT BACK TO WORK LIKE NORMAL. mY ARN AND HAND HURTS LIKE A B_T_H. I am in therapy for 6 weeks to get it stretched out again. It is very tight from not moving the muscles forabout a month. Other than bieng able to play paintball agian I have nothing to talk about. I keep my life like Shindown says, "Be A Simple...
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Have her click where it says "MODEL" above and will take her to the first part of the application. Each model is paid $300 per set and they get the honor of being a World Famous Suicide Girl! Good luck! We need more Michigan SGs! Either way, she should probably join the site so she can hang out with the cool kids! 

Hello again,
I haven't been updating like I should. I went to my doc on thrusday and he took my splint off aand told me to start bending my wrist. He is making me go to physical therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks. I a not looking foreward to the pain. It hurts to flod laundry.
I haven't been updating like I should. I went to my doc on thrusday and he took my splint off aand told me to start bending my wrist. He is making me go to physical therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks. I a not looking foreward to the pain. It hurts to flod laundry.
Sure I have. Sometimes helping someone means hurting myself, even.
Hmmm...pain can be good...but not in this case, I s'pose.
Pete wants to know what that is in your profile picture?!?!?!?
Pete wants to know what that is in your profile picture?!?!?!?
Good Morning,
So I went to the doc the other day. He took off the hospital splint off and gave me one that looks like a corset. The good part of this is I can take it off and scratch, stretch & shower freely again. I don't think October can come fast enough. I want to play paintball real bad. I went back to work...
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So I went to the doc the other day. He took off the hospital splint off and gave me one that looks like a corset. The good part of this is I can take it off and scratch, stretch & shower freely again. I don't think October can come fast enough. I want to play paintball real bad. I went back to work...
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i didnt talk to you that much up there in d-town, but yeah, i would love to paintball wiht you, i just gotta make sure i dont work...

Hello All,
i was in a horrible dirtbike accident this week. I was on a honda 200 and the other guy was on a honda 100. We hit head on. He was doing 30mph and I was doing 10mph, that's like hitting a brick wal at 40 mph right?
So here is my sad story. I schattered my rught radius bone ( that's the big...
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You can push a quad way past the point of dangerous and not get hurt...
Oh wow. I bet you do like that set! 

thats a nice comment you left thanks
Time to update!
And hey, tell John to call me!!! Or Check his damn journal!!! I need to know if he..or even you want to go to Chicago to see Boxcar Satan with me on the 16th!!!