My new musical interest...
I think that will be my next online order. It's horror/gore...and it's amusing as hell. I'm not a fan of the whole mask gimmick thing, but it's another amusement to go with the music. Check them'll hate them, but you can at least say you heard them.
I'm in Dallas at the moment, visiting family. Not sure what the plans are for the weekend. One of the families went to Oklahoma to visit a relative returning from Iraq. The other family, I'm not quite sure if they're here either. Either way it'll just be a weekend of relaxing, a change from what has become a slightly busy life in Houston.
Things with the girl are good. I am, or was, pissed at the number of people around us that are sticking their noses in our business. Some of them I can understand, they're family, but some of them...Fuck people.
The new Bless the Hogs is pretty good, I might pick it up as well...We'll see. Right now I need to stop spending money...I've spent a shitload on just eating out with the girl and taking the step brother and his friend out. Blah. Fuck money too!
I'm still talking about getting a gym membership...more money, more time, more dedication. I'll get there by years end...Until then, I'm gonna keep running until my legs fall off.
I'm hungry...someone make me some food.


I think that will be my next online order. It's horror/gore...and it's amusing as hell. I'm not a fan of the whole mask gimmick thing, but it's another amusement to go with the music. Check them'll hate them, but you can at least say you heard them.
I'm in Dallas at the moment, visiting family. Not sure what the plans are for the weekend. One of the families went to Oklahoma to visit a relative returning from Iraq. The other family, I'm not quite sure if they're here either. Either way it'll just be a weekend of relaxing, a change from what has become a slightly busy life in Houston.
Things with the girl are good. I am, or was, pissed at the number of people around us that are sticking their noses in our business. Some of them I can understand, they're family, but some of them...Fuck people.
The new Bless the Hogs is pretty good, I might pick it up as well...We'll see. Right now I need to stop spending money...I've spent a shitload on just eating out with the girl and taking the step brother and his friend out. Blah. Fuck money too!
I'm still talking about getting a gym membership...more money, more time, more dedication. I'll get there by years end...Until then, I'm gonna keep running until my legs fall off.
I'm hungry...someone make me some food.
Did you know they're they guys from Impaled and the drummer from Exhumed? That's what I've been lead to believe, anyway.
I'm going to have to make more of an effort to check them out. I heard of them and bugged the guy at the record store to find something by them, but still haven't heard any of their stuff.