Bring her a mushroom cloud to garnish the skylines today.
Bring her opulent orange and cringing, beautiful white bellows.
Give her the gift of eradication, the gift of cleansing
Everything came in and everything is amazing. My step mom has worn the Shai Hulud hoodie more than I have. It's amusing...But the woman is ALWAYS cold. She started asking me what bands had zip up hoodies that I listened to that she might want. Silly woman...I guess that's okay, Heather snatched a Hatebreed shirt yesterday. All my clothes are gone. What is a pretty boy to do...
Work is good, amazing in fact. I love the shit out of it. Nothing happened with any of the second job prospects. I'll try again after I find the balance of one job, school, and a woman. We'll see.
Things at home are going well. Step brother's friend flies down from Alaska this Thursday night. Ballgame and expensive ass chili cheese dogs this Friday. Then the following weekend (two weeks from now) we're heading to Dallas to see all the family. Should be good fun.
Interludes are tolerable when placed as a segue between two tracks, however...they're intolerable when they come on during an MP3 shuffle. They bother me.
look, just cause im short, and small, and appear to not be really in charge at my house...
and just because my dogs weigh more than I do... except 2 of em...
does NOT mean they own me
now you shush it before i am forced to shove a funyun down your throat
i just finished watching dana carvey's comedy central special...
it was quite the humor, since, when he did..
can i finish can i finish can i finish
i laughed so hard i almost fell off the couch...
no one in the house understood why that was so funny.