Wow!! Ya, total slacker.........I know. Quite honestly, this blogging thing is quite time consuming and quite frankly a commitment. Anyhow, my one follower can consider herself lucky, if she even reads this post, and she'll just have to settle for this little piece of my mind. I have two things to talk about today so just like Disney Land, sit down, lower the safety bar, and hand over your "B" ticket. This isnt going to be an "E" ticket ride, those are limited so I wont have you waste it on this.
So, I am having a close buddy over this weekend. He and I went to school together back in.........well lets just say when we weren't considered actual 'grown ups'. So since we have gotten back in touch and not to sound too homo (sorry homos) but closer; we are much better friends now. The problem is I just don't think he get's that I'll be his friend no matter what he does. Recently, he has changed his life so dramatically, he has put himself in a position of not knowing what's up or down. Regardless, I don't particularly care what choices he makes in life as long as they don't affect me directly and as long as he keeps his 'gold member' out of my special someone, I'll be his friend for life.
So, how do I tell him that he doesn't have to lie to me or omit things that he thinks will tarnish his reputation/friendship with me? Considering he doesn't know what way is up or down, I dont think I will press the issue, but it's going to come out sooner or later. For the sake of this weekend, I hope it's later.
I'm really looking forward to spending time with him because when we have nothing but time to kill and beer to drink, that is exactly how it goes. We sit around talk a lot of shit and drink a lot of Mexican beer until our livers' resemble somewhat of a raisin. Either way we do it about twice a year and given how our lives are going, we are self-entitled to proceed and with extreme prejudice.
Alright so WTF is going on with my generation? I mean seriously Generation X, am I the only one who realizes that we are actual 'GROWN UPS' now? Yet we still let our babyboomer parents dictate what we're going to do? I really dont know how not to make this sound any less like propaganda but I'm fucking tired of being forced to live with the decisions of my parent's generation. Here is 500 bucks on your tax return, go stimulate the economy with it..........more like spend, spend, spend...........spend all 500 of it at At&t wireless and buy a new Apple Iphone cuz the 6 month old one you have isn't good enough anymore, mean while some CEO is brokering his next deal for another billion dollars he feels he's entitled to for fucking the average American. I was one of those latch-key kids of the 80's and I learned what decisions and consequences were AT ohhhhhhhh 12 when after school specials showed you what drugs would do to your brain.............Yeah RIGHT NANCY REAGAN. The only thing you did, was make us Punk's wanna see if weed really fried our brains like an egg, but it didn't, but God know's what an Iphone will do. Alright back on topic!! I know we (Gen X'rs) don't like this, frankly if anyone of us paid two cents to this bullshit that the TV networks call NEWS and sort through the Jillian Barberie's fashion tips (side note: Jillian went on Howard Stern's radio show and professed "on air" that her 'now' husband held an actual gun to her head, while fucking her doggy style...........more like Soprano's style), this is who we let tell us the news and don't get me started on the trashed out "Rock of Love Bus"................. If we actually spent a little time dissecting the real news out, we actually might get a grasp of how dire our future really is going to be.
Generation X, I am professing to you now, GIVE A SHIT, CARE, do something about $3.00 a gallon gas, stop visiting TMZ, and stop stimulating the economy. Let these Babyboomers deal with what happens when you get greedy. Let the Babyboomers rip their precious CEO's whom get 8.6 million dollar 'You're Fired' bonuses apart.
Alright, Alright, let me ground myself again..........................(taking a breath) Look, if anyone out there reads this post and agrees with a 1/2 of a 1/2 a percent, do US a favor and start caring now. Please!!!
In true punk fashion.........
So, I am having a close buddy over this weekend. He and I went to school together back in.........well lets just say when we weren't considered actual 'grown ups'. So since we have gotten back in touch and not to sound too homo (sorry homos) but closer; we are much better friends now. The problem is I just don't think he get's that I'll be his friend no matter what he does. Recently, he has changed his life so dramatically, he has put himself in a position of not knowing what's up or down. Regardless, I don't particularly care what choices he makes in life as long as they don't affect me directly and as long as he keeps his 'gold member' out of my special someone, I'll be his friend for life.
So, how do I tell him that he doesn't have to lie to me or omit things that he thinks will tarnish his reputation/friendship with me? Considering he doesn't know what way is up or down, I dont think I will press the issue, but it's going to come out sooner or later. For the sake of this weekend, I hope it's later.
I'm really looking forward to spending time with him because when we have nothing but time to kill and beer to drink, that is exactly how it goes. We sit around talk a lot of shit and drink a lot of Mexican beer until our livers' resemble somewhat of a raisin. Either way we do it about twice a year and given how our lives are going, we are self-entitled to proceed and with extreme prejudice.
Alright so WTF is going on with my generation? I mean seriously Generation X, am I the only one who realizes that we are actual 'GROWN UPS' now? Yet we still let our babyboomer parents dictate what we're going to do? I really dont know how not to make this sound any less like propaganda but I'm fucking tired of being forced to live with the decisions of my parent's generation. Here is 500 bucks on your tax return, go stimulate the economy with it..........more like spend, spend, spend...........spend all 500 of it at At&t wireless and buy a new Apple Iphone cuz the 6 month old one you have isn't good enough anymore, mean while some CEO is brokering his next deal for another billion dollars he feels he's entitled to for fucking the average American. I was one of those latch-key kids of the 80's and I learned what decisions and consequences were AT ohhhhhhhh 12 when after school specials showed you what drugs would do to your brain.............Yeah RIGHT NANCY REAGAN. The only thing you did, was make us Punk's wanna see if weed really fried our brains like an egg, but it didn't, but God know's what an Iphone will do. Alright back on topic!! I know we (Gen X'rs) don't like this, frankly if anyone of us paid two cents to this bullshit that the TV networks call NEWS and sort through the Jillian Barberie's fashion tips (side note: Jillian went on Howard Stern's radio show and professed "on air" that her 'now' husband held an actual gun to her head, while fucking her doggy style...........more like Soprano's style), this is who we let tell us the news and don't get me started on the trashed out "Rock of Love Bus"................. If we actually spent a little time dissecting the real news out, we actually might get a grasp of how dire our future really is going to be.
Generation X, I am professing to you now, GIVE A SHIT, CARE, do something about $3.00 a gallon gas, stop visiting TMZ, and stop stimulating the economy. Let these Babyboomers deal with what happens when you get greedy. Let the Babyboomers rip their precious CEO's whom get 8.6 million dollar 'You're Fired' bonuses apart.
Alright, Alright, let me ground myself again..........................(taking a breath) Look, if anyone out there reads this post and agrees with a 1/2 of a 1/2 a percent, do US a favor and start caring now. Please!!!
In true punk fashion.........