I made a trip to my hometown and visited friends, family and ferrets. I've decided to get my ferret "Fizzy" back next weekend. I don't trust that the "friends" I've left her with when I moved have been taking care of her. They have ferrets of their own that are in very rough shape. I'm positive that 2 of them have adreanal gland disease/tumor (which develops into cancer if their is no operation/treatment). They will not take them to the Vet. So, I'm getting mine back and will get her shots and a check-up immediately after I get her here.
My BABY....
Besides that, I found out my Dad has kidney damage and I told him if need be, I'll give him one of mine....
My dad is close to retiring from work and he has dreamed living in Myrtel Beach, SC and I want to make sure he makes it there....
My BABY....

Besides that, I found out my Dad has kidney damage and I told him if need be, I'll give him one of mine....
My dad is close to retiring from work and he has dreamed living in Myrtel Beach, SC and I want to make sure he makes it there....
Seriously touching.......
I wish the two of you the best and hope it doesn't come to that.
Best wishes...........