Such a dilemma...
I work 32 miles from my house, therefore needing a reliable car. My current car costs 250 for payments, 250 for bumper-to-bumper insurance, and 150 a month in gas. $650.00 a month just to drive around in a car... but my boss is a cool guy, and I can go back to looking like a little punk / hardcore kid again. I wanna get ink and my old holes done again
I start looking for a more desk-job type thing which would allow me to drive a beater, pay off all my debt, and start preparing for college. Yeah, at 19 I am $7,000 in debt even if I broke even selling my car. I was looking at secratary jobs where I can wear skirts...
*ahem* jobs where I can sit at a computer all day or working at the gym down the street from me.
I work 32 miles from my house, therefore needing a reliable car. My current car costs 250 for payments, 250 for bumper-to-bumper insurance, and 150 a month in gas. $650.00 a month just to drive around in a car... but my boss is a cool guy, and I can go back to looking like a little punk / hardcore kid again. I wanna get ink and my old holes done again
I start looking for a more desk-job type thing which would allow me to drive a beater, pay off all my debt, and start preparing for college. Yeah, at 19 I am $7,000 in debt even if I broke even selling my car. I was looking at secratary jobs where I can wear skirts...


Maybe work the desk job for a little to get out of some of your debt? i have a few hundred in debt from my credit card alone, but im trying to go to school which will cost me $68,500 for three effin years. thats some debt i cant wait to take. so yeah, i think the car you have may be a little too expensive for now.