I hate playing basketball against high school kids.... I'm pretty sure I wasn't that cocky when I was in high school, and I definitely know that my coaches made us focus on the fundamentals of basketball and not passing like Allen Iverson. Maybe basketball just isn't what it was 10 years ago. Or maybe they play different down here in the south... who knows. But if you push me in the back on a rebound, expect retaliation. I don't stand for that crap. And what ever happened to playing proper defense instead of just grabbing or pushing or hacking someone just because they got the step on you? Kids these days need better role models. People like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Einstein.... Hell, even the Governator is a better role model than 75% of pro athletes these days. A very small percentage of NBA players can speak proper english, and I'm sure even a smaller percentage actually finished college or received a degree of some sort..... Well, this rant is getting old, so I'm gonna go eat. Have a nice day.