I hate playing basketball against high school kids.... I'm pretty sure I wasn't that cocky when I was in high school, and I definitely know that my coaches made us focus on the fundamentals of basketball and not passing like Allen Iverson. Maybe basketball just isn't what it was 10 years ago. Or maybe they play different down here in the south... who knows. But...
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I just want to start this over...
I just want to say that valentines day is one of the most depressing days of the year, and a totally commercialized one at that. Thank god it's over.
good morning friends. so the band is playing at The Sweetest Things again tonight... just in case you're bored and feel like driving to kingsland for some sweet acoustic rockin.
hopefully I'll have kicked this hangover by then....
I fucking hate my job.
I'm fucking bored, man.
And boredom is the first step on the road to relapse....
And boredom is the first step on the road to relapse....
are you talking about a addiction of some sort? you have to find someway to occupy yourself .. go out do something fun or you could stay home and look at hot SG sets :p
Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make....
BOOBS. I just want to say that again... BOOBS.
That's all, have a nice day.
BOOBS. I just want to say that again... BOOBS.
That's all, have a nice day.
you know what, i like it...boobs!!! i have them!!!!
Hello again friends.... the band once again will be playing on saturday night... only this time we'll be plugged in and LOUD!! I'm excited. Definitely nothing more orgasm-inducing than blasting power chords through 150 watts of full Marshall stack... wait a minute... there are things more orgasm-inducing than that... well anyways, if anyone actually wants to partake in the fun I'll give you directions. Have...
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Well, the Monkey Pirates will be making their triumphant return to the Sweetest Things coffee shop in Kingsland tonight.... If you find yourself bored you should come check us out... hopefully we won't suck. ;-)
So I've been sleeping a lot lately... not eating very much... not going out... I wonder if these are signs of depression or just plain boredom... I think I'd have to go with boredom. I guess that's what happens when you move away from all of your friends to a town that's pretty much dead, and to a job that pretty much sucks. But who...
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Oh, what a day...... ;-) Just wanted to say that my band, The Monkey Pirates, is playing at the coffee shop again tonight. Might even play some christmas songs. So if you're bored, come check us out and sip some java. Or smoothies, whatever you prefer. :-) Have good mosh pitting!
Always do! I enjoy the plugged in ones better though... Acoustic is cool, but I gotta play loud to make up for my quiet personality.. ;-)
Hey friends, how's life? Well, for anyone interested in live acoustic music, my band is playing at The Sweetest Thing coffee shop in Kingsland again tonight. I'm not gonna say that we're really kickass or anything... But if you're bored you should come give a listen. Have a nice weekend friends. :-)
red vs. blue.. i just realized that, isn't that the Halo thing?