GOD DAMN what a crazy ass storm we're having here in LA!Usually nothing wakes me up in the middle of the night, but rain harder than I have seen in as long as I can remember plus lightning, thunder and *hail* that actually woke me up. How come you're not here to share this with me? Storms are always best with company...
As the cold...
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As the cold...
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OMG!!! I just figured out why Mitsurugi can't get any play... Taki is sleeping with Yoshimitsu! !@%#$

In winter's fast grip
Even thoughts will freeze solid
'Till the swallows sing
Even thoughts will freeze solid
'Till the swallows sing
hi i live in cali too..

Heh.. I have no idea where you could buy one or what it's called. When it's on, it's kind of like a digipet.. it bobs around in its water and makes noises until you "feed it" or "play with it" by pushing buttons.
Woo Hoo! less than 24 hours since my profile went public and I got me some friends already!
of course it was planned that way, but it's still an accomplishment of sorts isn't it?
Dude! Did you know there are Chocolate Lucky Charms now? these things are the yumxorz! (and I don't even really know how to 133t speak). That's right. It's a quarter after...
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Dude! Did you know there are Chocolate Lucky Charms now? these things are the yumxorz! (and I don't even really know how to 133t speak). That's right. It's a quarter after...
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Nixon actually took a moment and commented back to me! :swoon: _thud_
My cold lonely hungry heartbroken winter (her words ya know) just got a little bit warmer and a whole lot more survivable. Now for some more Chocolate Lucky Charms and I'm all set.
[Edited on Feb 02, 2005 12:37AM]
My cold lonely hungry heartbroken winter (her words ya know) just got a little bit warmer and a whole lot more survivable. Now for some more Chocolate Lucky Charms and I'm all set.
[Edited on Feb 02, 2005 12:37AM]

as for HST... i still don't feel like it's real yet. i always assumed he'd go out with more style. you know, something like getting really drunk and crashing his car into the white house or taking a metric assload of drugs.
it's kinda funny, when i saw fear and loathing and started reading his work i remember thinking "wow, i wish i would have known this guy when he was alive." i could not fathom that someone with a drinking/drug habit like that would survive until the 1990's not long after that i found out that he was still around and still writing.
[Edited on Feb 21, 2005 5:15PM]