Um, yeah. So I check SG almost religiously as close to twice a day as I can at the scheduled times because I just can't stand not seeing the latest set as soon as I can, even though my personal tastes are not satisfied far too much of the time these days... But I haven't updated my blog here in a good year or so.
I have to get ready to leave for Tijuana in the morning. To find out why, and to get a general overview of where my head has been and what's going on in my life, I offer you my LiveJournal:
If you are clever, or lucky, you might find the god's honest truth in unexpected places. I someties go back to old entries and create replies to myself to reflect on what I had written and to explain where it came from so no one gets an email about the update. I do this partly for myself and partly to reward those who want to know me badly enough that they will dig, or go back far enough to when I wasn't as wise about what I would and wouldn't write. I just finished one of those tonight. Mostly, though, my journal is these days just a corkboard for my major events... And one is happening tomorrow night.

I have to get ready to leave for Tijuana in the morning. To find out why, and to get a general overview of where my head has been and what's going on in my life, I offer you my LiveJournal:
If you are clever, or lucky, you might find the god's honest truth in unexpected places. I someties go back to old entries and create replies to myself to reflect on what I had written and to explain where it came from so no one gets an email about the update. I do this partly for myself and partly to reward those who want to know me badly enough that they will dig, or go back far enough to when I wasn't as wise about what I would and wouldn't write. I just finished one of those tonight. Mostly, though, my journal is these days just a corkboard for my major events... And one is happening tomorrow night.

And that's such a sweet thing to say and notice. All my friends say my eyes can get me anything. Let's hope that's true...that'd be pretty sweet!
One of mi favorites, for sure!
...and you said "owned"...why don't ya have 'em anymore!?!? Haha, I'd fight for 'em. My favorite is a '57 Chevy Belair. Preferably baby blue. Before I die, I will accomplish owning one. Mark my words! My dream car! =]