What the hell happened to my SG favorites settings? I don't recall there being a timer. OK, now I have to admit that I don't know how long it's been like that and I really should have come up with a better reason to post something, *anything* besides bitching about realizing that I have to pick new fave girls and the fact that a new SG friend request is gonna expect to see something now that I've accepted...
Quick update (and I'll quit bitching
) on life as Fin:
Things have been just as nuts as they ever have been since starting the contract gig in Costa Mesa that just won't quit. At present, my contract is extended yet again, this time through June. The money is great, and I've been spending it on all kinds of nice new computers, software, music equipment for my revamped studio, a sword, Maximillian armor, renewed dojo membership, lap dances, proper dating rituals, etc.
I have been busy as hell but really enjoying things for a change. If this is what absolute power feels like... more please.
I'm feeling especially empowered today, so I think I'll hit the groups next and see what's cooking in Tuesday Night Dinner land... With a whole day's notice I might just be able to make it and prove to GCLA that I in fact have not blown off the whole world. I'm just busy and focused on other things for the most part. I do read all of your posts though. Seems like most everyone else has been busy as well for the most part.
PS I just added MySpace to my profile, so feel free to add me up. My current friends are a mishmash of some of the best and most interesting figures in the LA underground club scene and the renfaire crowd... Couldn't possibly hurt to throw in a bunch of SG regulars too.
But I did take off all IM accounts. Since I never log in to them anyway, there's no point in baiting anyone. Soon again though once I get my new pocket PC phone configured for it...
Quick update (and I'll quit bitching

Things have been just as nuts as they ever have been since starting the contract gig in Costa Mesa that just won't quit. At present, my contract is extended yet again, this time through June. The money is great, and I've been spending it on all kinds of nice new computers, software, music equipment for my revamped studio, a sword, Maximillian armor, renewed dojo membership, lap dances, proper dating rituals, etc.
I have been busy as hell but really enjoying things for a change. If this is what absolute power feels like... more please.

I'm feeling especially empowered today, so I think I'll hit the groups next and see what's cooking in Tuesday Night Dinner land... With a whole day's notice I might just be able to make it and prove to GCLA that I in fact have not blown off the whole world. I'm just busy and focused on other things for the most part. I do read all of your posts though. Seems like most everyone else has been busy as well for the most part.
PS I just added MySpace to my profile, so feel free to add me up. My current friends are a mishmash of some of the best and most interesting figures in the LA underground club scene and the renfaire crowd... Couldn't possibly hurt to throw in a bunch of SG regulars too.

How's it goin' Fin?
Another birthday, huh? I suppoose we've actually known eachother for a long time now, huh?
Something like a little over a decade, I suppose... maybe a little more than that...
What? Did Skin introduce us? Is that how it happened?