Someone here (i cant remember who, sorry) recently posted a blog about a survey that found 65% of Brazilians believe that a woman was partially responsible for rape, depending on dress, behaviour etc. Almost as disturbing as this stat were the number of comments that seemed to dismiss it out of hand. I came across another survey this morning, the numbers aren't as bad but...
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Season 4 of Game of Thrones started last night, only available in Australia through pay tv. Foxtel here have exclusivity until the season finishes which means I can either wait for 12 weeks for netflix to show it or download it illegally. I have never been a fan of illegal downloads ( not judging those that do, just my own preference), but these sorts of...
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Download illegaly and when it becomes available legally, buy a copy. That way the creators are still getting paid for their work and you've circumvented giving money to people like Foxtel/Netflix who are greedily scraping off extra profits just because of where you live. 
Thanks, @countessa, that's sort of the way I was leaning. I'm up to date with the books so I may just wait as I won't have spoiler phobia